AE Phillips Laboratory School
Established in 1916, A.E. Phillips Laboratory School is an “A”-rated, K-8 school. A.E. Phillips is known for its strong academic focus and innovative teaching strategies as well as its emphasis on the arts. The school is seen as a model for technology in the classroom. As a host for Louisiana Tech education majors, A.E. Phillips allows prospective teachers to observe and practice effective teaching strategies in a supportive environment.
The School aims to foster a learning community in which members become creative, self-directed, lifelong learners and effective citizens in a technological, global society.
A.E. Phillips is a school based on excellence in education. All faculty, students, and families are committed to high standards of performance. Our purpose is to provide the best education in the state for our students. Our teachers hold themselves and their students to high standards and communicate with parents and students consistently. This relationship produces well-rounded students that show high achievement.

Our faculty and staff strive to have procedures in place that:
- Ensure that the students are growing and maturing emotionally, physically, and socially in addition to intellectually
- Establish high expectations for all students and
- Create a positive, nurturing, and inviting school filled with warm, positive and dedicated faculty and staff.
- Maintain a balance between nurture and structure.
Our school offers many avenues for creative thinking and expression. All students have access to music, art, physical education, and Spanish classes. These classes, along with our grade-level teachers, support creative outlets and expression.
Upon leaving our school, students are self-directed learners in many ways. In our junior high, we have many projects and electives that are student driven and student led. Our school produces students who are effective citizens through food drives for our community, school trips to Washington D.C. to learn about our government and national history, school music programs that honor our country’s veterans, exposes students to different career opportunity beyond school.
Technology is used in all classrooms. Students get to publish writing and art, and we offer many electives that are based solely technological skills our students will need for the future. Finally, we also help our students see beyond our school, community, state, and country. Our students understand we live in a global society where the ability to speak a second language, or understand another culture is beneficial in understanding the world that we live in.