A.E. Phillips Lab School earns “A” for performance, one of state’s highest scores
A.E. Phillips Laboratory School at Louisiana Tech University achieved a School Performance Score (SPS) of 126.3 out of 150 to earn an “A” grade from the Louisiana Department of Education as part of its 2013 accountability assessment of the state’s publically-funded schools.
A.E. Phillips’ SPS of 126.3 was the highest of any school in north central Louisiana and one of the highest in the State of Louisiana. Scores are based on student achievement on state standardized tests and additional measures of student success, such as credit accumulation, completion of rigorous courses and graduation.
A.E. Phillips Lab School achieved an ‘A’ grade and one of the highest performance scores in the state.
“But it is the whole A.E. Phillips family that makes our school successful. Our students are dedicated and strive to do their best on a daily basis and the parental support is phenomenal.”
Known for its strong academic focus and innovative teaching strategies as well as its emphasis on the arts, A.E. Phillips is a K-8 school that serves as a model for technology in the classroom and offers a site for Louisiana Tech education majors to observe and practice effective teaching strategies in a supportive environment. Teachers at A.E. Phillips have received numerous awards with approximately half of the faculty being certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
“Being rated a top-level school is a wonderful accomplishment and one that does not occur by happenstance,” said Dr. Laurence Leonard, dean of the College of Education at Louisiana Tech. “It is the result of the hard work of A.E. Phillips’ students, the strong support of the parents, and the professional dedication of A.E. Phillips’ administrators, teachers and staff.”
Leonard says having A.E. Phillips as the university’s laboratory school means it can expose the College of Education’s teacher candidates to the very best in teaching and learning strategies.
“A.E. Phillips teachers have consistently demonstrated that they are very capable professionals who effectively model what it takes to be a quality educator, not just in the latest teaching methodologies, but also in terms of their own professional development. They exhibit a personal thirst for learning and a dedication to excellence that they instill in their students.”
Although she was not surprised by the SPS and “A” grade as preliminary data analysis projected the score of 126, Hood said it was still an extremely proud moment when she opened State Superintendent John White’s email and received confirmation.
“I am continually reminded how fortunate I am to work at such an outstanding school!”