PEK inducts new members
Louisiana Tech Department of Kinesiology’s Phi Epsilon Kappa Honor Fraternity held its new member initiation ceremony Dec. 3, welcoming 21 new members to the organization.
Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity is a national professional fraternity for individuals engaged in or pursuing careers in physical education, health, recreation, dance, human performance, exercise science, sports medicine, and sports management. The Eta Eta chapter at Louisiana Tech University was established in 2011 and currently has 31 active members.
“I can’t say enough about how beneficial participating in Phi Epsilon Kappa has been to me. PEK has allowed me to interact with the faculty of the Department of Kinesiology and College of Education in a way that would not have been available to me otherwise,“ said Phillip Matherne, president of Phi Epsilon Kappa. “PEK also offers me leadership experience among my peers by giving me the chance to help organize events and programs. PEK has been invaluable to me and I look forward to seeing the ways in which PEK makes an impact on the lives of the newest members.”

PEK executive officers are (from left) Vice President Cameron Curtis, President Philip Matherne, and Secretary/Treasurer Lane Dale.
Building strong ties with faculty prepares students for graduate schools and building relationships that could lead to letters of recommendation and drawing from their experience in post-graduate settings. PEK provides opportunities for professional growth, leadership development, and unique opportunities for students to work with their peers while fostering lasting friendships and fraternal spirit. Through social-cultural opportunities, PEK members develop a mutual interest and responsibility of their field and the betterment of others, both personally and professionally. Being a member of PEK helps to instill a healthy professional spirit among the members and the other students in the department or school.
Members of Phi Epsilon Kappa (PEK) must be a member of the ESPE (Exercise Science and Physical Education) student organization that is open to all KINE majors. Membership in PEK is by invitation, requires a 3.0 GPA, and that the student be in good standing with the university. Student members of the honorary fraternity will also receive honor cords to wear when they graduate from Louisiana Tech.
Each year members are nominated for awards from the national organization, including the Chapter Development Award, Scholarship Award, Distinguished Service Award, and Distinguished Advisor Award.