Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership
The Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership (CIL) at Louisiana Tech University stands out for its exceptional undergraduate programs, earning widespread recognition for their innovative and collaborative teaching methods, aimed at nurturing the future generation of educators and school leaders. Notably, their elementary literacy training approach has garnered national acclaim, being hailed as one of the most groundbreaking in the country by TPI-US, a testament to the department’s commitment to excellence in education.

Through forward-thinking initiatives and dedication to preparing skilled and passionate educators, CIL continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the education landscape in Louisiana and beyond.
Early Childhood Education – Grades PK-3 (BS)
The bachelor’s degree in early childhood education is a 126-credit hour degree that includes courses in general education, early childhood teaching, and a year-long (August-May) clinical residency.
Elementary Education – Grades 1-5 (BS)
The bachelor’s degree in elementary education is a 129-credit hour degree that includes courses in general education, elementary teaching, and a year-long (August-May) clinical residency.
Secondary Education, Agriculture (Grades 6-12)
The bachelor’s degree in secondary education, agriculture is a 120-credit hour degree that includes courses in general education, agricultural sciences, middle/secondary teaching, and a year-long (August-May) clinical residency.
Secondary Education, English (Grades 6-12)
The bachelor’s degree in secondary education, English is a 120-credit hour degree that includes courses in general education, English, middle/secondary teaching, and a year-long (August-May) clinical residency.
Secondary Education, Social Studies (Grades 6-12)
The bachelor’s degree in secondary education, social studies is a 120-credit hour degree that includes courses in general education, social studies, middle/secondary teaching, and a year-long (August-May) clinical residency.
Minor in Educational Studies
Minor in UTeachTech
The minor is UTeachTech is a 21-hour program that includes courses in STEM education and middle/secondary teaching. The minor is open to students pursuing degrees in STEM disciplines. Students who complete the minor and want to earn Louisiana teacher certification must complete a year-long (August-May) clinical residency in addition to the minor.