Undergraduate Programs

Exercise and Health Promotion, BS
The Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health Promotion (EXHP) is designed to prepare students who want to work in the wellness, fitness, health coaching, or athletic industry. This degree prepares students who seek a career and certification in personal training, strength and conditioning, or work in commercial fitness, corporate wellness, health coaching, or athletics. Students interested in working in fitness and wellness administration or becoming a professor will need to complete additional education (master’s degree or Ph.D.) beyond the bachelor’s degree.
The B.S. in EXHP is a 120 credit-hour degree that includes 39 hours of general education coursework, 59 hours of kinesiology content area coursework, 1 hour of practicum, and 21 hours of additional coursework.
Curriculum Sheet (PDF) – Can be used for students who enrolled prior to Fall 2023.
Curriculum Sheet (PDF) – Can be used for students who enroll in Fall 2023 or after.
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, BS
The Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Health Sciences (KIHS) is designed to prepare students for work in allied health professions and clinical exercise physiology. Students interested in becoming a licensed physical therapist, a licensed occupational therapist, a physician’s assistant, a medical doctor, or a professor will need to complete advanced graduate work (master’s degree, or D.P.T., M.D., or Ph.D.) beyond the bachelor’s degree.
The B.S. in KIHS is a 120 credit-hour degree that includes 39 hours of general education coursework, 45 hours of kinesiology content area coursework, 1 hour of practicum, and 35 hours of additional coursework.
Curriculum Sheet (PDF) – can be used for students who enrolled prior to Fall 2020
Curriculum Sheet (PDF) – used for students who enroll in Fall 2020 or after
Certificate in Health Coaching
The undergraduate certificate in Health Coaching allows students to develop and practice the competencies necessary to promote health and wellness to individuals and communities. Along with the knowledge of lifestyle-related diseases, health, and wellness, the health coaching certificate curriculum develops motivational and behavioral skills needed to enable students to become a part of the rapidly growing field helping individuals achieve optimal wellness.
Who is this certificate program for?
The 24-hour curriculum is open to all majors. We welcome students pursuing degrees in health care, education, exercise science, nutrition, psychology, and more. We also welcome those just starting their career or career-changers with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree and an interest in health and wellness.
The role of a Health and Wellness Coach
Often, people know what they need to do in order to lead a healthier life, but putting that knowledge into action can be difficult. Health and Wellness Coaches help people bridge the gap between knowing what to do and actually making sustainable healthy lifestyle changes. Coaches have the knowledge in lifestyle-related diseases, health, and wellness, but do not work as content experts in nutrition or exercise. Coaches work with people to define their goals, explore their values, and create personalized plans to achieve optimal health and well-being. According to The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC), coaches are “an accountability partner, not a director, in navigating behavioral change.”
For more information about the Health Coaching Undergraduate Certificate at Louisiana Tech University, please contact Dr. Alison Reichter at
Certificate in Sport Coaching
The undergraduate certificate in Sport Coaching will help students develop and enhance skill and performance techniques of individual and team sports and group activities; improve health and wellness through exercise, nutrition, and prevention of chronic diseases; understand psychological aspects of exercise and sport with emphasis on mental preparation for athletic performance; gain knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy as applied to dynamic and sport movement; understand basic human physiology with emphasis on physiological changes and residues of exercise and develop strength training and conditioning programming skills for athletic populations.
The 22-hour curriculum will be open to all majors.
Undergraduate Internship
Learn more
The internship experience provides the undergraduate student with practical experiences in relating theory to practice in a setting under close supervision from professionals and the University. It is an opportunity for the student to work and learn outside the classroom at an approved site. Typical settings include clinical sites, commercial fitness, corporate wellness, private wellness programs, recreational, and athletics and sports programs. 180 clock hours is required on the job for completion of the undergraduate internship.
- Apply kinesiology principles in a real-world setting.
- Demonstrate preparation to enter professional practice.
- Demonstrate initiative, leadership skills, professional mannerism, and appearance.
- To develop positive rapport with site supervisor.
Program Description
Class requirements include scheduling a meeting with the university instructor of record for the undergraduate internship program to discuss approval of the internship site. This meeting should take place during advising time the quarter before you plan to register for your internship. Upon approval of your advisor you will then schedule an appointment with the internship coordinator. A contract must be established between an approved facility and the Department of Kinesiology, Louisiana Tech University. The contract is initiated from the Department of Kinesiology and sent to the selected site for written approval by signature. Once the agreement is received by the department, it is forwarded on to Louisiana Tech Executive Administration for approval and signatures. After completion of all required signatures and return receipt of the agreement to the Kinesiology department, the student will be notified by the internship coordinator they have been approved for their internship at the facility. This step must be completed at least one quarter before the student plans to register for the internship experience.
The chosen site must involve areas of physical activity, sport, health promotion & wellness, rehabilitation, and/or fitness. The student will need to be supervised daily by an experienced, qualified professional that is employed by the facility. Student may pursue internships at any approved location in the United States. Although most internship sites do not offer a stipend, it is permissible to accept paid internships.
Student Responsibilities
- Schedule an initial visit with the internship coordinator to discuss the proposed internship.
- Schedule an appointment to interview the facility site supervisor for an internship position.
- Obtain signature from Kinesiology internship coordinator to register for KINE 415.
- Make a formal application for an internship in the last month of the quarter prior to the internship.
- Students must register for KINE 415 for 3 or 6 hours as approved by advisor and internship coordinator. A total of 180 clock hours are required on the job for completion of a 6 hour internship. This course is available for one quarter and must be completed within the quarter in which the student is registered. Students may complete the internship over 2 successive quarters (3 hours credit/90 intern hours per quarter) with internship coordinator approval. The internship can be completed the quarter before or the quarter of graduation.
- Include current CPR certification and professional liability insurance.
- Complete and keep track of all hours.
- Dress neatly, professionally, and appropriately according to site supervisor’s instructions.
- Respect patient/client privacy by keeping all information confidential.
- Submit an initial report the first week of internship.
- Submit typed weekly reports signed by site supervisor.
- Submit site supervisor reports at 3 weeks and at the end of the internship.
- Submit student final report and portfolio.
- Attend exit interview as scheduled by Kinesiology Internship Coordinator.
- Have a functioning e-mail address available on Canvas for communications purposes. Check e-mail and Canvas daily for communication from the Internship Coordinator.
Responsibility of the Facility
- Meet with student to interview for the internship.
- Write a letter to the Kinesiology Internship Coordinator stating acceptance of the student.
- Sign and return the Louisiana Tech University Department of Kinesiology Internship Agreement.
- Provide training and supervision for intern students while on the job.
- Review and sign weekly reports, complete site supervisor 3 week report and final report.
- Provide a safe and educational experience for intern students.
Portfolio Requirements
The portfolio is due at the end of your internship and will count as 10% of your grade. Include within the portfolio any training materials, contact phone numbers or email addresses, blank copies of patient report forms, or client exercise logs, policy and procedures, facility information, organizational charts, exercises, treatment modalities, photos, and any other literature you feel is important. Use a binder to put the portfolio together. Remember, patient/client information is private and confidential. Any documents with personal information should not be included in the portfolio. Your portfolio will be returned to you during the exit interview and will be a valuable resource to you in the future. Contact the internship coordinator with any questions you might have.
Student Forms are located on student’s Canvas page under KINE 415 (Internship)
Supervisor Forms
- Third Week Report – Feedback report to be filled out by the internship supervisor every third week as incremental feedback on student performance.
- Final Report – Final report to be filled out by the internship supervisor as final feedback on student performance.