Randy Aaron

Buildings Superintendent

Department: Building Maintenance

Office: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.3267

Email: raaron@latech.edu

Landace Abshire

Admissions Specialist – College of Business

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Phone: 318.257.4464

Email: labshire@LATech.edu

Dr. Heidi L. Adams

Associate Professor of Wildlife Habitat Management, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Frank Merritt Endowed Professor for Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 201

Phone: 318.257.2947

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: hadams@latech.edu

Dr. Joshua P. Adams

Professor, Academic Program Chair – Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 13

Phone: 318.257.4457

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: adamsj@latech.edu

Dr. Shaurav Alam P.E.

SWEPCO Endowed Professor, Associate Professor, Associate Director of Research

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: BOGH 246

Phone: 318.257.2053

Email: shaurav@latech.edu

Kim Aldridge

Assistant Comptroller

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 124

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: aldridge@latech.edu

Dee Alexander

Collaborative Artist

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: jeptica@latech.edu

Ashley P. Allen

Panhellenic Advisor

Department: Student Activities and Student Programs

Phone: 318.257.2145

Email: aallen@latech.edu

Kane Allen

Director of Recreation

Department: Recreation and Intramurals

Office: Lambright Sports and Wellness

Phone: 318.257.2726

Email: kane@latech.edu

Mark Allen


Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 207C

Phone: 318.257.2459

Email: marka@latech.edu

Teddy Allen


Department: University Communications

Office: WYLT 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: teddy@latech.edu

Dr. Tina L. Allen

Assessment Coordinator, Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200-E

Phone: 318.257.3923

Email: tallen@latech.edu

Dr. Douglas Amyx

Burton Risinger Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 335

Phone: 318.257.2368

Email: damyx@latech.edu

Dr. David Anderson

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 114A

Phone: 318.257.5253

Email: davida@latech.edu

Jamar Anderson

Graduate Assistant

Departments: Inclusion Initiatives & Student Success, Multicultural Affairs

Office: Keeny Hall 305

Phone: 318.257.2445

Sgt. Mickey Anglin


Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Fax: 318.257.2832

Email: wmanglin@latech.edu

Tanya Lynn Arant

Library Specialist – Special Collections & Archives

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Library 414

Phone: 318.257.4098

Email: tarant@latech.edu

Dr. Prabhu Arumugam

Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IFM 213

Phone: 318.257.5122

Fax: 318.257.2777

Email: parumug@latech.edu

Dr. Christobel Asiedu

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 127C

Phone: 318.257.4143

Email: casiedu@latech.edu

Dr. Nazir Atassi

Assistant Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 138

Phone: 318.257.5484

Email: aatassi@latech.edu

Paige Attaway

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Phone: 318.257.5466

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: lpa022@latech.edu

Winter Audirsch

Staffing & Development Coordinator—Classified Personnel

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny Hall Room 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Email: wcollier@latech.edu

Amanda Auttonberry


Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 212D

Phone: 318.257.4517

Email: amandaa@latech.edu

Byron Avery

Financial Aid Counselor – Transcripts/SAP

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: bavery@latech.edu

Gracey Avery

Regional Admissions Recruiter – New Orleans

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Phone: 318.421.8839

Email: gavery@latech.edu

Jamie Bahm

Assistant Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1124

Phone: 318.257.3209

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: jbahm@latech.edu

Colin Bailey

Assistant Director of Recruitment

Departments: Recruitment and Admissions, Student Engagement and Undergraduate Recruitment

Office: Hale Hall 122

Phone: 318.257.2752

Email: cbailey@latech.edu

Davis Bailey

Research Engineer

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 118

Phone: 318.257.5135

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: dbailey@latech.edu

Ty Baldwin

Library Specialist – User Services

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 231

Phone: 318.257.2926

Email: baldwin@latech.edu

Alicia Ball

Associate Director

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: aball@latech.edu

Mark Ball

Assistant Director

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: mball@latech.edu

James Walt Ballard P.L.S.

Adjunct Instructor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology

Tywanna Banks

Stock Room

Department: Support Services

Office: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.2710

Email: tbanks@latech.edu

Sheila R. Barham

Research Associate

Department: Office of Technology Transfer

Phone: 318.257.2387

Fax: 318.257.4703

Email: sbarham@latech.edu

Brian Barron

Senior Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 329

Phone: 318.257.2453

Email: bbarron@latech.edu

Tiffany Bates Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 211B

Phone: 318.257.3003

Email: tbates@latech.edu

Christiann Bayne LMSW

Director of Career Services

Department: Career Services

Office: Keeny 342

Phone: 318.257.4336

Fax: 318.257.2961

Email: cbayne@latech.edu

Gracie Beebe

Director of Gifts & Financial Services

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7719

Email: gbeebe@latechalumni.org

Phillip Behan

Network Technician

Departments: Infrastructure and Information Technology, Technical Services and Telecommunications

Office: GTM 70

Phone: 318.257.2492

Fax: 318.251.3790

Email: pbehan@latech.edu

Kaden Beilman

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 228

Email: kbeilman@latech.edu

Edward Bell Ph.D.


Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Fax: 318.257.2259

Email: ebell@latech.edu

Dr. Rakitha Beminiwattha

Associate Professor

Department: Physics

Office: EA 210

Phone: 318.257.2435

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: rakithab@latech.edu

Frank Bennett

Coordinator of Emergency Planning

Office: WT 1502

Phone: 318.257.4784

Email: frank@latech.edu

Jerry Berg

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center B18

Phone: 318.257.4476

Email: jberg@latech.edu

Dr. Benjamin Bergholtz

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Literature and Language

Phone: 318.257.3563

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: bberg@latech.edu

Kathryn Bertrand

Library Specialist – Special Collections & Archives

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 413

Phone: 318.257.3660

Email: kmeyers@latech.edu

Dr. Prashanna Bhattarai

Assistant Professor

Departments: Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: NETH 215

Phone: 318.257.2940

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: pbhatt@latech.edu

Justin Biggs


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 329

Phone: 318.257.2833

Fax: 318.257.4922

Email: jbiggs@latech.edu

Mrs. Belinda Leigh Birch

Clinical Residency and Recruitment Center Coordinator

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.2661

Email: CRRC@latech.edu

Charlene Bird

Sr. Director of University Services & Accounts

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7268

Email: charlene@latechalumni.org

Dr. Thomas Bishop

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Physics

Office: EA 207, BMEB 231

Phone: 318.257.5209

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: bishop@latech.edu

Stacey Black


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 211

Phone: 318.257.2638

Email: staceyb@latech.edu

Rob Blackstock Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Professor of Economics

Departments: Economics & Finance, Kavanaugh Office of Undergraduate Programs

Office: COBB 103A

Phone: 318.257.4524

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: rblackst@latech.edu

Nickie Blackwelder

Library Specialist – Cataloging

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 241

Phone: 318.257.4962

Email: nickieb@latech.edu

Dewanna Blake

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 368

Phone: 318.257.3002

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: dblake@latech.edu

Shayla Lynn Blake

Instructor, Songwriting and Flute; Staff Accompanist

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 331

Phone: 318.257.2458

Email: sblake@latech.edu

Mr. Casey Blalock

Lab School Teacher, Gym

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 130

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: cblalock@aep.latech.edu

Jenny Blalock Ed.D.

Director of A. E. Phillips Lab School

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips 119

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: jblalock@aep.latech.edu

Jordan Blazo PhD

Associate Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 302

Phone: 318.257.4033

Email: jblazo@latech.edu

Mrs. Michelle Blount

Lab School Teacher

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 152

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: mblount@aep.latech.edu

Courtney Boothe


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 127

Email: cboothe@latech.edu

Paige Borden

Coordinator of First Year Transitions

Department: Students in Transition

Office: Wyly Tower 204

Phone: 318.257.4730

Email: pborden@latech.edu

Sarah Bourgeois

Admissions Data Assistant

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 103

Email: sarahab@latech.edu

Dr. Thomas J. Bowman


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 149

Phone: 318.257.4483

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: tbowman@latech.edu

Mr. Randall Boyd

Lab School Teacher, Music

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 378.257.3676

Email: randallb@aep.latech.edu

Rhonda Boyd MEd


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 210

Phone: 318.257.5457

Email: rboyd@latech.edu

Carl Boyet


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 217

Phone: 318.257.2589

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: cboyet@latech.edu

Cynthia Renee Boyte

Administrative Assistant 4 – PML Office of the Dean

Department: Library

Phone: 318.257.2275

Email: rboyte@latech.edu

Mrs. Lori Braddock

Lab School Teacher, 4th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 151

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: lorib@aep.latech.edu

Lisa Bradley

Interim Vice President, University Advancement and University Foundation

Department: Office of the President

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.255.7950

Email: lbradley@latech.edu

Rebecca Bradley

Program Coordinator for Partnerships

Phone: 318.257.2619

Email: rbradley@latech.edu

Don Braswell

Environmental/Safety Director

Department: Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: 318.257.2120

Email: braswell@latech.edu

Leslie Brister

Special Events & Facilities Coordinator


Phone: 318.257.3694

Email: leslieb@latech.edu

Mary Susan Britt

Senior Director of Development

Departments: Department of External Relations, Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 204D

Phone: 318.257.3741

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: marysusan@latechalumni.org

Robert Brooks

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 213

Phone: 318.257.5256

Email: mbrooks@latech.edu

Mr. Avery Broussard

Assistant Director of Operations, Technology & Employer Relations

Department: Career Services

Office: Keeny Hall 339

Phone: 318.257.2573

Fax: 318.257.2961

Email: avery@latech.edu

Allen Gregory Brown

Police sergeant

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall 117

Phone: 318.257.4018

Email: abrown@latech.edu

Brittany Brown

Data Analytics Coordinator

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7986

Email: bbrown@latechalumni.org

Emily Brown

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Postal Operations

Office: Tolliver

Phone: 318.257.3494

Email: ebrown@latech.edu

Dr. Paula W. Brown

Writing Center Coordinator

Departments: School of Literature and Language, Student Services and Academic Support

Office: Wyly 325

Phone: 318.257.4477

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: pbrown@latech.edu

Sandy Lee Brown

Accounting Specialist Supervisor

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 127

Phone: 318.257.4325

Fax: 318.257.2234

Email: sandyb@latech.edu

Leila A. Brumett

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 302

Phone: 318.257.2823

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: lbrumett@latech.edu

Diana Bryan

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Graduate Studies Office

Office: BOGH 224

Phone: 318.257.4314

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: dibryan@latech.edu

Dr. Matthew Bryan

Professor, Audiology Clinical Services Director

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.3102

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: mbryan@latech.edu

Melinda F Bryan Ph.D., CCC-A

Professor, Program Director for Doctor of Audiology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 214A

Phone: 318.257.2146

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: melinda@latech.edu

Walter C. Buboltz, Jr. Ph.D.

Professor, Director of Training Counseling Psychology

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 117B

Phone: 318.257.4039

Email: buboltz@latech.edu

Cain Budds D.M.A.

Professor of Music/Guitar

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 324

Phone: 318.257.3655

Email: cbudds@latech.edu

Hannah Bustamante

Executive Coordinator for Research & Innovation

Department: Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe 327

Phone: 318.257.5281

Email: hannahb@latech.edu

Nick Bustamante


Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Art Center 115B

Phone: 318.257.3478

Email: nbustama@latech.edu

NaTanya Butler

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 370

Phone: 318.257.2065

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: nbutler@latech.edu

Deborah K. Butts

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Graduate School

Office: Wyly Tower 1203

Phone: 318.257.2924

Fax: 318.257.4487

Email: dbutts@latech.edu

Michelle Byrd

Instructor/ Adviser

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: Education Center, Building 4314, Room 308

Phone: 318.456.5004

Fax: 318.741.7386

Email: Mbyrd@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore

Academic Director of Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology and Industrial Engineering, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 208, IESB 129

Phone: 318.257.2207

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: mcmoore@latech.edu

Damon Caldwell

Graduate Coordinator, Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 219

Phone: 318.257.5259

Email: caldwell@latech.edu

Jarmaine Caldwell

Adjunct Instructor of Horn

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: jarmaine@latech.edu

Julie Calhoun

Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Email: jcalhoun@latech.edu

Julie Calhoun


Phone: 318.257.4328

Email: jcalhoun@latech.edu

Dr. Simone Camel

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 149D

Phone: 318.257.3952

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: camels@latech.edu

Mr. Christopher Campbell

UTeachTech Master Teacher

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 138A

Phone: 318.257.2866

Email: ctc@latech.edu

Dr. William J. Campbell


Departments: Biological Sciences, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: CTLH 213B

Phone: 318.257.4141

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: campbell@latech.edu

Mona Knight Cannon

Admin Coord 2

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall 201

Phone: 318.257.2522

Fax: 318.257.2986

Email: monac@latech.edu

Charlott G. Caraway

Administrative Coordinator lll

Departments: Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC), Human Ecology

Office: Early Childhood Education Center

Phone: 318.257.4614

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: ccaraway@latech.edu

Dr. Henry Cardenas

Professor, Director Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Consortium, Director MALT Center

Departments: MALT Center, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 255

Phone: 318.257.4600

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: cardenas@latech.edu

Payton Carnahan

Assistant Director of Recreation

Department: Recreation and Intramurals


Phone: 318.257.2624

Email: paytonc@latech.edu

Jenna Carpenter

Professor Emeritus

India Carroll

Executive in Residence

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Guy Carwile


Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 214

Phone: 318.257.5257

Email: carwile@latech.edu

Stephanie Carwile

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 222

Phone: 318.257.5266

Email: scarwile@latech.edu

Dr. Irene Casas


Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 144

Phone: 318.257.2774

Email: icasas@latech.edu

Dr. Anne Case-Bartle


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 230

Phone: 318.257.5497

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: arcase@latech.edu

Emily Poole Cash

Assistant Director of Campus Experience

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 114

Phone: 318.257.3036

Fax: 318.257.2499

Email: epoole@latech.edu

Jennifer N Caskey

Administrative Program Manager 1

Department: Physical Plant

Office: Physical Plant 106

Phone: 318.257.3267

Fax: 318.257.5065

Email: jcaskey@latech.edu

Brooke Cassady

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center B16A

Phone: 318.257.3910

Email: bcassady@latech.edu

Dr. Elisa Castagnola

Assistant Professor

Department: Biomedical Engineering

Office: 211 BMEB

Phone: 318.257.2840

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: elisa@LaTech.edu

Marydel E. Cates

Library Specialist – Serials

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library

Phone: 318.257.3783

Email: mcates@latech.edu

Whitney Causey

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J.Taylor Visual Arts Center 107

Phone: 318.257.2233

Email: causey@latech.edu

Lisa Caver

Financial Aid Counselor – Services Counselor

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Mr. Wes Cavin

Director of Student Activities

Department: Student Activities and Student Programs

Phone: 318.257.3479

Email: Wcavin@latech.edu

Cody Chandler

Adjunct Instructor of Class Piano and Music Appreciation

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: cody@latech.edu

Dr. Sai Deepthi Chappidi

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Chemistry

Office: IESB 327

Phone: 318.257.2393

Email: chappidi@latech.edu

Ida Chauvin Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114C

Phone: 318.257.4097

Email: ichauvin@latech.edu

Dr. Jinyuan Chen

Associate Professor

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 219

Phone: 318.257.3083

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jinyuan@latech.edu

Dr. Kevin Cherry

Senior Lecturer

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 239

Phone: 318.257.2920

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: drcherry@latech.edu

Mr. Joshua Chovanec

University Registrar

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: joshuac@latech.edu

Dr. Pradeep Chowriappa

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 115

Phone: 318.257.4612

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: pradeep@latech.edu

Ally Christian

Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs

Department: Multicultural Affairs

Office: Student Center 212

Phone: 318.257.2302

Email: ally@latech.edu

Allyson Christian

Assistant Director for Student Advocacy

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: ally@latech.edu

Dr. Bradley Cicciarelli

Distinguished Lecturer

Department: Chemical Engineering

Office: BMEB 115

Phone: 318.257.2350

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: bradc@latech.edu

Joseph Clark


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 220

Phone: 318.257.5497

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: joclark@latech.edu

Rebecca Clark

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 310

Phone: 318.257.2200

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: rclark@latech.edu

Mrs. Martie Clary

Lab School Teacher, Art

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 126

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: mclary@aep.latech.edu

Grace Clay

Retention and Student Services Coordinator

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101E

Phone: 318.257.2320

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: gclay@latech.edu

Carol T Clements

Financial Aid Counselor – Private Loans / Default Prevention Counselor

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: carol@latech.edu

Ann Clifton


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 258

Phone: 318.257.2164

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: aclifton@latech.edu

Todd Cloe

Workshop Technician

Department: School of Design

Office: AAW 111

Phone: 318.257.5190

Email: thcloe@latech.edu

Kelly Cole

Advancement Communication Specialist

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: kcole@latech.edu

Lexi Cole

Student Success Specialist

Departments: Administrative and Technical Staff, Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 109

Phone: 318.257.2260

Email: alexis@latech.edu

Lisa L. Cole

Vice President for Finance

Departments: Office of the President, Office of the Vice President for Finance

Office: Keeny Hall 112

Fax: 318.257.2234

Email: lcole@latech.edu

Dianna Latrice Coleman

Payroll Coordinator

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 138

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: dcoleman@latech.edu

Mark Coleman

Digital Designer

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.2091

Email: mcoleman@latech.edu

Wendy Coleman

Coordinator of Budget and Purchasing

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 111

Phone: 318.257.2140

Email: wcoleman@latech.edu

Adam Collins

Director of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Department: Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Office: Keeny Hall 333

Phone: 318.257.3396

Fax: 318.257.4399

Email: acollins@latech.edu

Nia Collins

Administrative Coordinator 3

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 253

Phone: 318.257.2357

Email: collins@latech.edu

Nina Collum Ph.D., CPA (MS)

Senior Lecturer

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 305

Phone: 318.257.3191

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: ncollum@latech.edu

Kirby Brooks Colvin

Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Studies, Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 116

Phone: 318.257.2456

Email: colvin@latech.edu

Lauren Deal Colvin

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1122

Phone: 318.257.3205

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: lcolvin@latech.edu

Melanie Ashworth Colvin

Lead Applications Analyst Programmer

Department: Computing Center

Office: WYLT 122

Phone: 318.257.2893

Fax: 318.257.4645

Email: mel@latech.edu

Sadie Colvin

Literacy Project Support Lead

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: scolvin@latech.edu

Michael Colyar

Director Computing Center

Department: Computing Center

Office: WYLT 120

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: colyar@latech.edu

Candace W. Cooper

Accounting Technician

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 101

Phone: 318.257.4986

Email: cwcooper@latech.edu

Dr. Krystal Corbett Cruse

Assistant Professor – Mechanical Engineering, First-Year Engineering Programs Coordinator, Director of the Office for Women in Science and Engineering

Departments: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 133

Phone: 318.257.2422

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kcorbett@latech.edu

Joshua Coriell


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 237

Phone: 318.257.2743

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: coriell@latech.edu

Dr. Melvin R. Corley

Professor Emeritus

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Phone: 318.202.9635

Email: mcorley@latech.edu

Dr. Joseph Cortez


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 223

Phone: 318.257.2847

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: jcortez@latech.edu

Cathi Cox-Boniol

SCILS Region 8 LaSTEM Center Director

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: ccox@latech.edu

Beth Craig

Director of Donor Engagement and Stewardship

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7529

Email: beth@latechalumni.org

Raffael Craig

Assistant Track and Field Coach Jumps/Multis

Department: Athletics

Phone: 318.548.2361

Email: rcraig@latech.edu

Mrs. Sheree Cramer

Lab School Teacher, 5th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips, 150

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: scramer@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Dickie Crawford

Vice President for Student Advancement

Department: Office of the President

Office: Keeny Hall 331

Phone: 318.257.2445

Fax: 318.257.2961

Email: crawford@latech.edu

Tracy Crawford

Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: AFROTC

Phone: 318.257.4742

Email: tracyc@latech.edu

Dr. Kelly Crittenden

Program Chair and Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Director Integrated STEM Education Research Center

Departments: Integrated STEM Research Center, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 256

Phone: 318.257.2714

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kellyc@latech.edu

Dr. Stanley Cronk

Senior Lecturer

Department: Industrial Engineering

Office: IESB 227

Phone: 318.257.3987

Email: cronk@latech.edu

Dr. Michael Crosby

Associate Professor, Geographic Information Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 14

Phone: 318.257.4724

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: mcrosby@latech.edu

Ryan Crotin PhD

Research Associate, Adjunct Thesis Advisor

Department: Kinesiology

Phone: 716.998.9551

Email: rlcrotin@gmail.com

Steve Crow


Departments: Integrated STEM Research Center, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 330A

Phone: 318.257.4179

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: crow@latech.edu

Dr. Zhe Cui

Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Phone: 318.257.3069

Dr. Carrice Cummins

Research Professor

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: carrice@latech.edu

Dr. Bob Cunningham CIA, CFE, CRMA

Executive in Residence

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Phone: 318.257.2857

Email: bcunning@latech.edu

Shelby Curtis PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114D

Phone: 318.257.3515

Email: scurtis@latech.edu

Dr. Weizhong Dai

Professor – Mathematics and Statistics, Program Chair – Computational Analysis Modeling

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 233

Phone: 318.257.3301

Fax: 318.257.4922

Email: dai@latech.edu

Allison Davidson

Testing Coordinator

Department: Testing and Disability Services

Office: WYLT 318

Phone: 318.257.4221

Fax: 318.257.2969

Email: TestingLab@LATech.edu

Bill Davis

Assistant Police Chief

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Email: bdavis@latech.edu

Dontisha Davis MS, LPC

Associate Director of Clinical Operations and Student Advancement

Department: Counseling Services

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: dontisha@latech.edu

Dr. Nicole de Fee

Associate Professor

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 248

Phone: 318.257.5495

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: ndefee@latech.edu

Brad Deal

Design Build Coordinator, Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 136

Phone: 318.257.5268

Email: braddeal@latech.edu

Dr. Christopher Deal


Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison 207D

Phone: 318.257.2452

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: cdeal@latech.edu

David Deal

Director of Information Systems and Financial Planning

Department: Information Systems and Financial Planning

Office: Keeny Hall 121

Phone: 318.257.4323

Fax: 318.257.2234

Email: ddeal@latech.edu

Lacey Deal MEd


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 305

Phone: 318.257.5458

Email: ldeal@latech.edu

Kayla Deason

Program Manager

Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Email: kadeason@latech.edu

Dr. Mark DeCoster

Professor, Associate Director

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 210 | IFMM 212

Phone: 318.257.5118

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: decoster@latech.edu

Angela DeCoux

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 209C

Phone: 318.257.3728

Email: adecoux@latech.edu

Dr. William Deese


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 241

Phone: 318.257.4878

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: wcdeese@latech.edu

Dr. Pasquale DePaola

Director, Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 224

Phone: 318.257.5263

Email: pdepaola@latech.edu

Dr. Pedro Derosa

Program Chair – Physics, Professor – Physics, Molecular Science & Nanotechnology

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Physics

Office: EA 217, IFMM 216

Phone: 318.257.5139

Email: pderosa@latech.edu

Marcia Simmering Dickerson Ph.D.

Francis Mangham Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Phone: 318.257.3445

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: marcia@latech.edu

Dr. Wade Dillingham

Visiting Assistant Professor of Single Reeds, Director of Jazz Activities

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 201

Phone: 318.257.5472

Email: waded@latech.edu

Sandra Ann Dingler

English adjunct

Department: School of Literature and Language

Phone: 318.742.5346

Email: sdingler@latech.edu

John Dogbey Ph.D.

Jack and Peggy Byrd Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 208

Phone: 318.257.2887

Email: jdogbey@latech.edu

Esther Dokmakang Akodmo

Assistant Director of Admissions Technology

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 109

Phone: 318.257.2151

Email: eakodmo@latech.edu

Allyson Donald


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 212

Phone: 318.257.2633

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: adonald@latech.edu

Michele Dormaier


Department: School of Theatre

Office: Howard 102

Phone: 318.257.4693

Fax: 318.257.4571

Email: dormaier@latech.edu

Amy Doss

Accounts Payable Supervisor

Department: Comptroller

Office: Kenny Hall 128

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: adoss@latech.edu

Diane D Doss

Accounting Specialist 2

Department: Bookstore

Phone: 318.257.2427

Fax: 318.257.3356

Email: ddoss@latech.edu

William Doss

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Phone: 318.257.5269

Email: wdoss@latech.edu

Nicole Dotray

Manager of Purchasing Systems

Department: Procurement

Office: Keeny 408

Phone: 318.257.4205

Fax: 318.257.3772

Email: ndotray@latech.edu

Brandi Doucet

Administrative Coordinator

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 236

Phone: 318.257.2719

Email: bhdoucet@latech.edu

Ben Doughty

Tenant Services & Buildings Coordinator

Department: Technology Business Development Center

Office: Tech Pointe 235

Phone: 318.257.2604

Email: doughty@latech.edu

Lindsey Doutt

Admissions Specialist – College of Education and Human Sciences

Departments: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences, Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Woodard Hall 103

Phone: 318.257.5464

Email: ldoutt@LATech.edu

Mr. Eli Doyle

Student Success Specialist

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 113

Phone: 318.257.3180

Email: edoyle@latech.edu

Andrea Drake Ph.D.

Humana Foundation/McCallister Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 304

Phone: 318.257.2500

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: adrake@latech.edu

Mickii Drake

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 111

Phone: 318.257.2303

Email: mdrake@latech.edu

Dr. Prerna Dua

Professor, Program Director for Masters in Health Informatics

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1127

Phone: 318.257.2862

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: prerna@latech.edu

Nicole Duet

Associate Professor, Drawing and Painting; Department Chair, Studio Art

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 115A

Phone: 318.257.3681

Email: nduet@latech.edu

Mark Duffield

Assistant Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 329

Phone: 318.257.2806

Email: duffield@latech.edu

Jake Dugard

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 105

Phone: 318.257.2175

Email: jake@latech.edu

Theresa Duke

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 320

Phone: 318.257.2691

Email: tduke@latech.edu

Angela Dunnington

Executive Director of Library Services

Department: Library

Office: PML Office of the Dean

Phone: 318.257.2577

Email: angelad@latech.edu

Sandra Denise Ashford Dupree

Library Specialist – Acquisitions

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 3673

Phone: 318.257.3673

Email: dupree@latech.edu

Colleen Durrett

Operational Manager

Department: Bookstore

Office: Bookstore

Phone: 318.257.2424

Fax: 318.257.3356

Email: cdurrett@latech.edu

Dr. Julia E. Earl

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 123

Phone: 318.257.2667

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jearl@latech.edu

Dr. John Easley

Senior Lecturer

Department: Industrial Engineering

Office: BOGH 230

Phone: 318.257.3165

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jeasley@latech.edu

Carmen Echols

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Memorial Gym Room 205

Phone: 318.257.4432

Email: cechols@latech.edu

Danny Eddy


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 329

Phone: 318.257.4393

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: deddy@latech.edu

Darrell Eddy

Information Technology Coordinator and Network Administrator

Department: IT Support

Office: COBB 338

Phone: 318.257.3057

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: darrell@latech.edu

Christie Moyers Edwards

Transfer and Curriculum Coordinator

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101A

Phone: 318.257.2842

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: cedwards@latech.edu

Dr. Sven Eklund

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: CTLH 331

Phone: 318.257.4214

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: seklund@latech.edu

Dr. Zakaria El-Awadi


Department: Computer Science

Office: IESB 215

Phone: 318.257.4641

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: zelawadi@latech.edu

Lisa Michelle Elam

Administrative Assistant

Office: Wyly Tower 1013

Phone: 318.257.2478

Email: lisam@latech.edu

Kevin Elder Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of CIS

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 373

Phone: 318.257.2647

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: kelder@latech.edu

T. Selwyn Ellis D.B.A.

Balsley-Whitmore Endowed Professor, Professor, Department Head, POC for NSA Center for Academic Excellence, Director for the Center for Information Assurance

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 372

Phone: 318.257.2026

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: ellis@latech.edu

Douglas Emory

Light and Sound Technician

Department: Support Services

Office: Bulldog Kennel

Phone: 318.257.4234

Email: demory@latech.edu

Marla Emory

Chair, Interior Design

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 215

Phone: 318.257.5254

Email: marla@latech.edu

Teresa Eppinette

Administrative Coordinator 2

Department: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.3267

Fax: 318.257.5065

Email: teresa@latech.edu

Dr. Brandi Estwick

Instructor of Voice and Diction

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 329

Phone: 318.257.2783

Email: bestwick@latech.edu

Tonya Ezell

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 203

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: tezell@latech.edu

Megan Carrigee Fair

Senior Associate Director of Admissions

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 103

Phone: 318.257.2145

Email: carrigee@latech.edu

Dr. Blake Farman

Assistant Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 235

Phone: 318.257.2951

Email: bfarman@lateh.edu

Ms. Mary Susannah Farrar

Deputy Registrar/NCAA Certification Officer

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: mfarrar@latech.edu

Dr. Elisabeth Fatila

Associate Professor

Departments: Chemistry, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: CTLH 311

Phone: 318.257.4941

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: efatila@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Fendley

Associate Professor

Departments: Industrial Engineering, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 226

Phone: 318.257.3394

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: Mfendley@latech.edu

Devin S. Ferguson

Assistant Vice President for Philanthropy & Engagement

Phone: 318.497.7737

Fax: 318.257.9806

Email: devin@latechalumni.org

Devin Ferguson

Assistant Vice President of Philanthropy & Engagement

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7737

Email: devin@latechalumni.org

Abigail Fertal CCC-SLP

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 316

Phone: 318.257.2588

Email: afertal@latech.edu

Capt Joshua Field

Ops Flight Commander

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1421

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: jfield@latech.edu

Katie Firmin

Regional Admissions Recruiter – Baton Rouge

Departments: Recruitment and Admissions, Student Engagement and Undergraduate Recruitment

Phone: 318.257.8305

Email: kfirmin@latech.edu

Dr. Lisa Flanders-Dick

Professional in Residence

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 129D

Phone: 318.257.2561

Email: ldick@latech.edu

Carrie Miller Flournoy

Senior Executive Assistant to the President

Department: Office of the President

Office: Wyly Tower 1620

Phone: 318.257.3785

Fax: 318.257.2928

Email: flournoy@latech.edu

Laura Willis Flurry Ph.D.

Max P. Watson, Jr. Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 341

Phone: 318.257.3768

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: lwflurry@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Catherine Fontenot

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 145

Phone: 318.257.2881

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: maryf@latech.edu

Alicia Katherine Foster

Assistant Director – Classified Personnel

Department: Human Resources

Phone: 318.257.2235

Fax: 318.257.2482

Email: afoster@latech.edu

Regina Foster

Library Specialist Supervisor – User Services

Department: Library

Phone: 318.257.2523

Email: reginaf@latech.edu

Margaret Milam Fowler

Adjunct Instructor of Elementary Methods

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: mmilam@latech.edu

Dr. Arwa Fraiwan

Assistant Professor

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: BMEB 209

Phone: 318.257.3930

Email: afraiwan@latech.edu

Mrs. Cynthia D. Franklin

Registration/Grading Program Manager

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: uscdf@latech.edu

Shana Freeman

Associate Registrar – Scheduling, Reporting and Catalog

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: sfreeman@latech.edu

Ryan Freling Ph.D.

Thomas O’Kelly Mitchner Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 345

Phone: 318.257.2886

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: rfreling@latech.edu

Bryan Fuller Ph.D.

Humana Foundation/McCallister Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 321

Phone: 318.257.3359

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: bfuller@latech.edu

Jennifer Futrell

Accounting Specialist 2

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 111

Phone: 318.257.3275

Email: jenf@latech.edu

Tom Futrell

Department Chair, Graphic Design

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 103 A

Phone: 318.257.2454

Email: tfutrell@latech.edu

Mr. Andrew Ganacheau

Director, Louisiana Center for Afterschool Learning (LACAL)

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: aganuch@latech.edu

POLICE DEPT Peggy Crawley Gantt

Admin Coord 3

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall 110

Phone: 318.257.4018

Fax: 318.257.2831

Email: pgantt@latech.edu

Estevan Garcia

Senior Media/Graphics Specialist

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 234A

Phone: 318.257.4696

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: estevan@latech.edu

Joy Gardner

Undergraduate Records Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: jgardner@latech.edu

Lisa A. Garner

Director of Auxiliary Services

Office: Hale Hall 111A

Phone: 318.257.3036

Email: lgarner@latech.edu

Tom Garza

Associate Professor Emeritus

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 336

Phone: 318.257.5476

Email: garza@latech.edu

Lori Gaskin

Administrative Assistant IV

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 106

Phone: 318.257.5102

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: lgaskin@latech.edu

Dr. Miguel Gates

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Departments: Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, MALT Center

Office: NETH 145

Phone: 318.257.2147

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mgates@latech.edu

Patty Gay

Accounting Technician

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 127

Phone: 318.257.4325

Fax: 318.257.2234

Email: pgay@latech.edu

Cami Geisman

Executive Vice President for External Affairs

Departments: Office of the President, University Communications

Office: Wyly 1634

Phone: 225.202.0870

Email: cgeisman@latech.edu

Dr. Dentcho A. Genov

Professor of Physics, Director of the Center for Applied Physics Studies (CAPS)

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Electrical Engineering, Physics

Office: EA 220

Phone: 318.257.4190

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: dgenov@latech.edu

Trée George

Director of Admissions

Departments: Recruitment and Admissions, Student Engagement and Undergraduate Recruitment

Office: Hale Hall 120

Phone: 318.257.3530

Email: tgeorge@latech.edu

Stacy Cunningham Gilbert

Dean of Student Services & Academic Support

Department: Student Services and Academic Support

Office: Keeny 307

Phone: 318.257.2445

Fax: 318.257.2961

Email: Stacyc@latech.edu

Amanda Gill

Coordinator of Employer Campus Activities

Department: Career Services

Office: Keeny Hall 341

Phone: 318.257.2570

Fax: 318.257.2961

Email: amandag@latech.edu

Mr. Ron Gill


Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 121

Phone: 318.257.2493

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: rgill@latech.edu

Otis W. Gilley Ph.D.

Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc./Clarke M. Williams Memorial Endowed Professor, Department Head

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 327A

Phone: 318.257.4140

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: gilley@latech.edu

Rosilynn Gillum

Director of Development

Departments: Development, Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 201C

Phone: 318.257.4971

Email: rgillum@latechalumni.org

Michael Gilmore

Undergraduate Support Specialist, Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 106

Phone: 318.257.2382

Email: mwgil@latech.edu

Dr. Rebecca Giorno-McConnell


Departments: Biological Sciences, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: CTLH 219

Phone: 318.257.3665

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: rgiorno@latech.edu

Dr. William Bradley Glisson

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 155

Phone: 318.257.4715

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: glisson@latech.edu

Jonathan Goertz


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTH 201

Email: jgo011@latech.edu

Robin Goertz

Library Specialist – Research Services

Department: Library

Phone: 318.257.3988

Email: rgoertz@latech.edu

Anthony Goodwin


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 258

Phone: 318.257.5243

Email: agoodwin@latech.edu

Ricky Goulart

Bus Driver

Department: Physical Plant

Office: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.2706

Fax: 318.257.5065

Email: rgoulart@latech.edu

Christie Govan

Office Manager

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7530

Email: cgovan@latechalumni.org

Robert L. Grafton CPA

Director of Internal Audit

Departments: Internal Audit, Office of the President

Office: Howard Center Room 200

Phone: 318.257.2111

Fax: 318.257.2372

Email: rgrafton@latech.edu

Dr. Jacob Gran

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 226

Phone: 318.257.2063

Email: jgran@latech.edu

Ame Gray

Project Engineer

Department: Physical Plant

Office: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.3267

Email: ameg@latech.edu

Mary Green

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson Hall 306

Phone: 318.257.4765

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: meg@latech.edu

Nathan Green

Assistant Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 221

Phone: 318.257.3460

Fax: 318.257.4922

Email: ngreen@latech.edu

Julie Grenella

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Postal Operations

Office: Tolliver

Phone: 318.257.3494

Email: grenella@latech.edu

Ghislain Nono Gueye Ph.D.

D. Wayne Parker Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 329

Phone: 318.257.3874

Email: gueye@latech.edu

Katie Guillot

Library Specialist – Serials

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 348

Phone: 318.257.2281

Email: kguillot@latech.edu

Chrystal Guin

Assistant to the Associate Vice President for Research & Dean of Graduate School, T.L. James Eminent Scholar Chair Professor

Department: Graduate School

Office: Wyly Tower 1207

Phone: 318.257.2924

Email: cguin@latech.edu

Mark Guinn

Director, School of Theatre

Department: School of Theatre

Office: Howard Center for the Performing Arts, Rm 204

Phone: 318.257.2711

Email: mguinn@latech.edu

Dr. Michael W. Habegger

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 112

Phone: 318.257.2890

Email: habegger@latech.edu

Dr. David E. Hall

Associate Professor – Mechanical Engineering

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 115

Phone: 318.257.4127

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: dehall@latech.edu

Cynthia Sykes Ham

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: Education Center, Building 4314, Room 312

Phone: 318.456.5005

Fax: 318.741.7386

Email: cindyham@latech.edu

Stephanie Hamilton

Regional Admissions Recruiter – East Texas

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Phone: 318.202.2173

Email: stepham@LATech.edu

Yvonne Hammack-Buck

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: Flight Operations

Phone: 318.257.5080

Email: hammackb@latech.edu

Frank Hamrick


Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center B17

Phone: 318.257.4154

Email: fhamrick@latech.edu

Dr. Adam Handy

Assistant Professor and Veterinarian, Animal Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 107

Phone: 318.257.2328

Email: ahandy@latech.edu

Sam Hansen

Transfer Coordinator

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 121

Phone: 318.257.2150

Email: shansen@LATech.edu

Keoshia Harris

Doctoral Intern Counseling Psychology

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: mjb052@latech.edu

Tiera Harris

Administrative Coordinator 3

Office: BOGH 216

Phone: 318-257-2538

Fax: 318-257-2182

Email: tsharris@latech.edu

Carol Harrison

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: charris@latech.edu

Dr. Matthew Hartmann

Program Chair and Lecturer

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 211

Phone: 318.257.2941

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: hartmann@latech.edu

Ms. Monna Paige Harvey

Lab School Teacher, 2nd Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 154

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: pharvey@aep.latech.edu

Mortissa D. Harvey

Director of Title IX Compliance

Departments: Compliance and Title IX, Office of the President

Office: Wyly Tower 1526

Phone: 318.257.5911

Email: mharvey@latech.edu

Brad Hatley

Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 268

Phone: 318.257.3480

Email: bhatley@latech.edu

Jeffrey Haynie Ph.D.

Herbert McElveen Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Management, Department Head

Department: Management

Office: COBB 324a

Phone: 318.257.2504

Email: jhaynie@latech.edu

Mrs. Lindsay Heard

Lab School Teacher, K-8 Spanish

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 162

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: lheard@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Dustin M. Hebert

Department Chair

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: hebertd@latech.edu

Dr. Beth Hegab

Senior Lecturer, Industrial Engineering; Senior Lecturer, Engineering Technology and Management; Master’s Coordinator, Engineering and Technology Management

Departments: Engineering and Technology Management, Industrial Engineering, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 229

Phone: 318.257.3107

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: bhegab@latech.edu

Dr. Hisham Hegab

Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Emeritus

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101

Phone: 318.257.2684

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: hhegab@latech.edu

Dr. Kathleen Heiden


Department: Human Ecology

Office: Enterprise Center 126

Phone: 318.257.3009

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: heidenk@latech.edu

Dr. Christopher Paul Heidenreich

Director of Bands, Associate Professor

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 101

Phone: 318.257.4233

Email: cph@latech.edu

Dr. Brenda Heiman

Director, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson 306

Phone: 318.257.4764

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: bheiman@latech.edu

Brittney Helton

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 318

Phone: 318.257.2333

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: bhelt@latech.edu

Office: Wyly Tower 1620

Phone: 318.257.3785

Email: President@LATech.edu

Jonathan Henderson

Administrative Assistant 4

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 204B

Phone: 318.257.3701

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jonh@latech.edu

David N. Herda Ph.D., CPA

KPMG Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Phone: 318.257.2884

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: dherda@latech.edu

Randal Hermes

Chief of Police

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Email: rhermes@latech.edu

Sherri Herren


Phone: 318.257.5077

Email: sherren@latech.edu

Whitney Hester

Administrative Coordinator III

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 112

Phone: 318.257.4766

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: whester@latech.edu

Christopher Jacob Hiers

Assistant Chief Flight Instructor

Office: Flight Operations

Phone: 318.257.5080

Email: jhiers@latech.edu

Irene Hild

Financial Aid Counselor – Verification

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2648

Email: ihild@latech.edu

Arlene Hill

Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President for Research

Office: Wyly Tower 1642

Phone: 318.257.2838

Email: ahill@latech.edu

Dakota Hill

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: dhh008@latech.edu

Dr. Jennifer Hill

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 119

Phone: 318.257.2359

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jmhill@latech.edu

Virginia Hill

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Phone: 318.257.4012

Fax: 318.257.4013

Email: vhill@LaTech.edu

Beverly Hill-Hercules

Pre-Award Coordinator

Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall, Room 418

Phone: 318.257.2415

Fax: 318.257.5079

Email: bhillher@latech.edu

Kenna Hinton

Administrative Coordinator 3

Departments: Chemistry, Physics

Office: CTLH 316

Phone: 318.257.4911

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: khinton@latech.edu

Mrs. Kelly Hodge

Lab School Teacher, 1st Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 144

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: khodge@Aep.latech.edu

Rebecca Hodnett

Laboratory Manager

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 132

Phone: 318.257.2084

Email: rmhod@latech.edu

Jo S Hogan

Administrative Assistant 5

Office: Keeny Hall 112

Phone: 318.257.5222

Email: jhogan@latech.edu

Dr. A. Gordon Holley

Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 208

Phone: 318.257.4926

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: gholley@latech.edu

Cazandra Hollidy

Benefits Manager

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny Hall 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Email: chollidy@latech.edu

Tamara Holliman

Administrative Assistant 4

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 101B

Phone: 318.257.3712

Email: holliman@latech.edu

Dr. Bryant Hollins

Senior Lecturer

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 207

Phone: 318.257.5236

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: bhollins@latech.edu

Ms. Jennifer Hollis

Administrative Assistant

Department: Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Fax: 318.257.5060

Email: jhollis@latech.edu

Karoline Holmes

Admissions Specialist – College of Liberal Arts

Departments: Recruitment and Admissions, Student Engagement and Undergraduate Recruitment

Office: Hale Hale 105

Phone: 318.257.2050

Email: kholmes@latech.edu

Erick Holyfield

Custodial Supervisor

Department: Support Services

Office: Custodial Services

Phone: 318.257.3664

Email: erickh@latech.edu

Dr. Donna Hood

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Professor in Nursing

Departments: Nursing, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Fax: 318.257.5060

Email: dhood@latech.edu

Dr. Joanne Hood

Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200B

Phone: 318.257.4940

Email: jhood@latech.edu

Yolanda Hoof

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 314

Phone: 318.257.2052

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: yhoof@latech.edu

Marianne Hooper

Department: Academy of Marketing Science

Phone: 318.257.2612

Email: ams@latech.edu

Dr. Thomas Hoover

Chief Information Officer

Department: Office of the President

Phone: 318.257.2477

Fax: 318.257.2731

Email: thoover@latech.edu

Dr. Songming Hou


Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: EA 215

Phone: 318.257.3270

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: shou@latech.edu

Dr. Jason Howell


Departments: Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: IESB 127

Phone: 318.257.5121

Email: jhowell@latech.edu

Spencer Hudson D.M.A.

Adjunct Instructor of Low Brass and Online Music Appreciation

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: spencerh@latech.edu

David Hufziger

Admissions Recruiter – Northeast Louisiana

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 106A

Phone: 318.257.3606

Email: hufziger@LATech.edu

Melissa Hughes

Director of Purchasing

Department: Procurement

Office: Keeny Hall 408

Phone: 318.257.4205

Fax: 318.257.3772

Email: mhughes@latech.edu

Sharon Hughes

Administrative Coordinator 3 for Department of Economics & Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 327

Phone: 318.257.4140

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: sharon@latech.edu

Dr. Patsy A. Hughey

Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200A

Phone: 318.257.2849

Email: phughey@latech.edu

Penny Humphries

ANS Director of Development, Alumni Foundation, Adjunct Instructor, Fashion

Departments: Human Ecology, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: CTLH 265

Phone: 318.257.5479

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: penny@latech.edu

Emily Hunt Ph.D.

Burton Risinger Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Accounting

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 303

Phone: 318.257.2220

Email: ehunt@latech.edu

Joshua Hunt Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 308

Phone: 318.257.3547

Email: johunt@latech.edu

Megan Bates Hunt

Lab School Teacher, First Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips Room 140

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: mhunt@aep.latech.edu

Jungshik “Jason” Hur Ph.D.

Humana/McCallister Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 213

Phone: 318.257.3558

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jhur@latech.edu

Dr. Dolliann Hurtig


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 216

Phone: 318.257.5493

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: dhurtig@latech.edu

Dr. Shaik Hussain

Research Scientist, Adjunct Instructor

Departments: Construction Engineering Technology, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: SC 101

Phone: 318.257.5303

Email: hshaik@latech.edu

Jonathan Hyde


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 141

Phone: 318.257.2919

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jhyde@latech.edu

Maxwell Hyde

Instructor, Greenhouse Laboratory Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: mhyde@latech.edu

Norlyn Branham Hyde

Skills Lab Instructor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 376

Phone: 318.257.5252

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: nhyde@latech.edu

Laura Ighade


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: G.T. Madison Hall 270

Phone: 318.257.3368

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: lighade@latech.edu

Sarah Ilgenfritz

Coordinator of International Student Activities

Department: International Affairs

Phone: 318.257.4321

Email: sarahi@latech.edu

Mrs. Casey Ann Ingram

Director of Residential Life and Summer Camps

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Wyly Tower 202

Phone: 318.257.4917

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: casey@latech.edu

R. Anthony Inman Ph.D.

Century Next Bank Endowed Professor, Professor of Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 313

Phone: 318.257.3568

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: inman@latech.edu

Shafia Izhar


Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 201

Phone: 318.257.2230

Email: sizhar@latech.edu

Ashley Jackson

Assistant Director – Unclassified Personnel

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Fax: 318.257.2482

Email: jjackson@latech.edu

Dr. D. Paul Jackson

Ray and Dorothy Young Professor of Plant Science, Interim Director

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 124

Phone: 318.257.2412

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: pjackson@latech.edu

Sharhonda Jackson

Custodial Supervisor

Department: Support Services

Office: Custodial Services

Phone: 318.257.2793

Email: lashelle@latech.edu

Sharon Jackson

Operations Manager

Phone: 318.674.7537

Email: sharonj@latech.edu

Sophia Jackson

Coordinator of Alumni Engagement

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.232.5403

Email: sjackson@latechalumni.org

Jane Jacob Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor

Departments: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: 101C Woodard Hall

Phone: 318.257.3712

Email: jacobj@latech.edu

Dr. Arun Jaganathan

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 247

Phone: 318.257.2905

Email: arun@latech.edu

Elisha James

Admissions Specialist – College of Applied & Natural Sciences

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Wyly Tower 913

Phone: 318.257.2307

Email: james@latech.edu

Annie Jantz

Coordinator of Special Programs, Assistant to the Vice President for Student Advancement

Office: Keeny Hall 305

Phone: 318.257.2445

Fax: 318.257.2961

Email: ajantz@latech.edu

Christian Jenkins

Coordinator for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Department: Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Office: Keeny Hall 333

Phone: 318.257.3396

Fax: 318.257.4399

Email: cjenkins@latech.edu

Reginald Jeter P.E.

Program Chair and Professional in Residence

Department: Construction Engineering Technology

Office: BOGH 248

Phone: 318.257.2369

Email: rjeter@latech.edu

Michelle Green Jimmerson

Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 214

Phone: 318.257.5491

Email: michelle@latech.edu

Mr. Ricky Johnikin

Manager Building Services and Special Programs

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Building Services in the Student Center

Phone: 318.257.4308

Email: johnikin@latech.edu

Angela A Johnson

Accounting Technician

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny 128

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: angelaj@latech.edu

Ashley Johnson

Associate Registrar – Records and ERP

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: ajohnson@latech.edu

Dr. Donna Johnson

Deputy Chief Innovation Officer

Department: Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe Room 321

Phone: 318.257.2365

Email: donnaj@latech.edu

Jeff Johnson

Rocksteady Boxing Instructor

Phone: 318.257.4634

Email: kane@latech.edu

Stephen Johnson

Travel Coordinator

Department: Comptroller

Office: Kenny Hall 128

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: sjohnson@latech.edu

Vanessa Johnson

Associate Professor/Coordinator of Medical Laboratory Science

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 109

Phone: 318.257.2821

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: vjohnson@latech.edu

Mrs. Erika Jones

Coordinator, Office of Professional Education Outreach

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: erikaj@latech.edu

Gretchen Jones MS

Adjunct Faculty

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Memorial Gym 223

Phone: 318.257.2107

Email: gcjones@latech.edu

Gwendolyn Denell Jones

Accounting Specialist Supervisor

Department: Comptroller

Office: Kenny Hall 103

Phone: 318.257.4325

Fax: 318.257.2234

Email: gjones@latech.edu

Kourtney Jones

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Phone: 318.257.4566

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: kjo016@latech.edu

Dr. Steven Jones

Associate Professor

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 206

Phone: 318.257.2288

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: sajones@latech.edu

Roxie Jordan

Greenhouse Assistant

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: greenhouse@latech.edu

Samantha Jordan

Assistant to the Provost

Office: Wyly Tower 1653

Phone: 318.257.4262

Email: samantha@latech.edu

Teresa Jordan

Program Manager

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 129A

Phone: 318.257.2563

Email: teresaj@latech.edu

Dr. Grace Naomie Joseph

Middle School Math Teacher

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips Room 124

Phone: 318.257.3469

Email: gjoseph@aep.latech.edu

Ming “Megan” Ju PhD, CFA

Associate Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 211

Phone: 318.257.3863

Email: mingju@latech.edu

Becky Kaase

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 215

Phone: 318.257.2353

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: rkaase@latech.edu

Laurie Kaffka

Instructor, Lead Teacher

Departments: Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC), Human Ecology

Office: ECEC

Phone: 318.257.2607

Email: lkaffka@latech.edu

Dr. Nathan Katz

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 146

Phone: 318.257.5485

Email: nkatz@latech.edu

Madison Kaufman

Director of Alumni Engagement

Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7263

Email: mkaufman@latechalumni.org

Track Kavanaugh

Instructor, Agricultural Education

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 104

Phone: 318.257.2444

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: track@latech.edu

Carrie Kelly

Research Assistant

Department: Trenchless Technology Center

Office: EA 201

Phone: 318.257.4072

Email: ckelly@latech.edu

Gavin Kelly

Associate Director of Communications

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4857

Email: gkelly@latech.edu

Lori Ann Kelly

Assistant Director of Middle School

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: lkelly@aep.latech.edu

Juliana Kemege


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 125

Phone: 318.257.2749

Email: jkemege@latech.edu

Dr. Kyle Kemege

Senior Lecturer

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 211

Phone: 318.257.2664

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: kkemege@latech.edu

Dr. Gary A. Kennedy

Dean, College of Applied and Natural Sciences and Professor, Agricultural Business

Departments: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Fax: 318.257.5060

Email: kennedy@latech.edu

Dr. Jun-Ing Ker

Program Chair, Professor, Associate Director MALT Center

Departments: Engineering and Technology Management, Industrial Engineering, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 228

Phone: 318.257.2963

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: ker@latech.edu

Alex Keshner

Financial Aid Counselor – Verification

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: akeshner@latech.edu

Casey Kidd

Project-Based Learning Professional

Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 202

Email: ckidd@latech.edu

Brandi Killian

Director of Horticulture Services

Department: Grounds Maintenance

Phone: 318.257.2701

Email: bnava@latech.edu

Ms. Pamela Kaye Killingworth

Administrative Coordinator 2

Department: Computing Center

Office: Wyly Tower 116

Phone: 318.257.2893

Fax: 318.257.3645

Email: pamela@latech.edu

Brittany Killins

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 308

Phone: 318.257.2766

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: bkillins@latech.edu

Alicia Dawn Kimbell

Dual Enrollment Coordinator

Department: Dual Enrollment

Office: Wyly Tower 314

Phone: 318.257.3031

Fax: 318.257.2908

Email: aliciam@latech.edu

Dr. Kimberly Kimbell-Lopez


Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111B

Phone: 318.257.2982

Email: kklopez@latech.edu

Ms. Jennifer King

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 137

Phone: 318.257.2872

Email: jeking@latech.edu

Keri Marie King

Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Document Management

Department: Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Office: WYLY 1524

Phone: 318.257.4263

Email: kmking@latech.edu

Dr. Ankunda Kiremire

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Department: Computer Science

Office: IESB 221

Phone: 318.257.2262

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kiremire@latech.edu

Ofc. Grant Kleinpeter

Police Officer

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Fax: 318.257.3821

Email: Grantbk@latech.edu

Carrie L. Knight

Assistant Professor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 309

Phone: 318.257.2070

Email: cknight@latech.edu

Jamie L Knight


Department: University Police

Phone: 318.257.2528

Email: jknight@latech.edu

Kallum Koczkur

Assistant Research Professor

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Phone: 318.257.5114

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: kkoczkur@latech.edu

Qaweeyat Kolawole-Aresa

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 247

Phone: 318.257.2332

Email: kolawole@latech.edu

Melanie Moore Koskie Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 339

Email: mkoskie@latech.edu

Dr. Steven Joe Koskie

Lecturer in Philosophy

Office: GTM 125B

Phone: 318.257.3282

Email: sjkoskie@latech.edu

Dr. John J. Kraft IV


Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology

Office: BOGH 252

Phone: 318.257.2744

Email: jkraft@latech.edu

Brandon Kratzer

Safety Specialist

Department: Environmental Health and Safety

Phone: 318.257.2120

Email: bkratzer@latech.edu

Isabel Lamptey EdD


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 264

Phone: 318.257.5245

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: ilamptey@latech.edu

Will Lancaster

Information Technology Coordinator

Departments: Infrastructure and Information Technology, Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 234

Phone: 318.257.2578

Email: lancaste@latech.edu

John R. Lauck Ph.D., CPA, CFE

Chase Bank Endowed Professor, Professor, Director of the School of Accountancy

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 302A

Phone: 318.257.4378

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: lauckjr@latech.edu

Son Anh Le D.B.A.

John Ed Barnes Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 357

Phone: 318.257.3536

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: sle@latech.edu

Cheryl Leachman

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 320

Phone: 318.257.2781

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: leachman@latech.edu

Michael LeBlanc

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson Hall 219

Phone: 318.257.3201

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: mleblanc@latech.edu

Deborah Lee

Graduate Support Specialist, Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 105

Phone: 318.257.3229

Email: dlee@latech.edu

Jae Ung (Jake) Lee Ph.D.

Clifford Ray King Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 371

Phone: 318.257.4011

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jakelee@latech.edu

Jonathan Lee

Sr. Director of Data Operations & Information Technology

Office: jlee@latechalumni.org

Phone: 318.497.7531

Email: jlee@latechalumni.org

Sami LeJune

Coordinator of Student Activities, IFC/KLPI Advisor, Esports Staff Administrator

Department: Student Activities and Student Programs

Phone: 318.257.2662

Dr. Scott Levin

Assistant Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 250

Phone: 318.257.2113

Email: slevin@latech.edu

Amanda Lewis

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1112

Phone: 318.257.2340

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: alewis@latech.edu

Dr. Celia M. Lewis

Charlyne Smith Wyche Endowed Professor of English, Coordinator of Composition and Dual Enrollment English Facilitator

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 232

Phone: 318.257.5498

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: clewis@latech.edu

Jay Robert Ligon

Director, International Affairs

Department: International Affairs

Office: Tolliver 235

Phone: 318.257.2813

Fax: 318.257.2968

Email: ligon@latech.edu

Kate Ligon

Financial Aid Counselor – PLUS Loans / Student Abroad Counselor

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Christopher Lin


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 321

Phone: 318.257.2064

Email: clin@latech.edu

Cynthia Liner

Library Specialist – User Services

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 231

Phone: 318.257.2265

Email: cyliner@latech.edu

Ms. Amy R. Lionberger


Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 209C

Phone: 318.257.2443

Email: arlion@latech.edu

Lindsey T Little

Student Retention Specialist

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101E

Phone: 318.257.2066

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: llittle@latech.edu

Dr. Don Liu


Office: EA 218

Phone: 318.257.4670

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: donliu@latech.edu

Dr. Mengjia Liu


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 343

Phone: 318.257.4631

Email: mliu@latech.edu

Dr. Xiyuan Liu

Assistant Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 223

Phone: 318.257.3453

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: liuxyuan@latech.edu

Dr. Xuan Liu

Director of Laboratory Animal Facility

Department: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 129

Phone: 318.257.5206

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: xliu@latech.edu

Beverly Livingston

Custodial Supervisor

Department: Support Services

Office: Custodial Services

Email: beverly@latech.edu

Mary M. Livingston Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 116C

Phone: 318.257.2292

Email: maryml@latech.edu

David Lloyd

Adjunct Instructor of Electric Bass

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: dlloyd@latech.edu

William Locander Ph.D.

Max P. Watson, Jr. Endowed Professor, Department Head, Professor of Marketing

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 348 A

Phone: 318.257.4012

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: locander@latech.edu

Leslie Valerie Lofton

Associate Registrar – NCAA Academic Compliance

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2274

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: llofton@latech.edu

Mr. Stacy Lolley

Director, Testing & Disability Services

Department: Testing and Disability Services

Office: WYLT 318

Phone: 318.257.4221

Fax: 318.257.2969

Email: TDS@LATech.edu

Emory Long

Instructor, Speech Pathology Clinic Coordinator

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 317

Phone: 318.257.2119

Email: elong@latech.edu

Dr. William Long

Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering | Program Chair, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology | Director, Project-Based Learning

Departments: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 120

Phone: 318.257.2157

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: long@latech.edu

Paul F. Lopez MBA

Lecturer of Accounting

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COB 312

Phone: 318.257.2560

Email: pflopez@latech.edu

Devonia Love-Vaughn

Dean of Inclusion Initiatives & Student Success

Departments: Inclusion Initiatives & Student Success, Multicultural Affairs

Office: Keeny Hall 305

Phone: 318.257.2445

Email: dlvaughn@latech.edu

Michael S. Luehlfing Ph.D., CPA (MS), CMA

George E. Breazeal Family Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 307

Phone: 318.257.3490

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: michaell@latech.edu

Dr. Yuri Lvov


Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Physics

Office: IFMM 214

Phone: 318.257.5144

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: ylvov@latech.edu

Dr. Joan Lynam

Associate Professor and Program Chair

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing, MALT Center

Office: BMEB 117

Phone: 318.257.3124

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: lynam@latech.edu

Stacy Lynch

Director of Institutional Research and Records Management

Department: Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Office: WYLY 1525

Phone: 318.257.2372

Email: slynch@latech.edu

Dr. Gregory Lyons

Associate Professor, Percussion; Assistant Director of Bands James Alvey Smith Endowed Professor

Department: School of Music

Office: BB102

Phone: 318.257.5470

Email: glyons@latech.edu

Dr. Jordan Lyons

Associate Professor, Louis Waller Endowed Professorship

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 334

Phone: 318.257.2349

Email: jordan@latech.edu

Miki Osbon Lyons

Administrative Assistant V

Office: Wyly Tower 1620

Phone: 318.257.3785

Email: miki@latech.edu

Dr. Taylor E. Mack

Associate Professor of Geography

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 127B

Phone: 318.257.4741

Email: tmack@latech.edu

Mrs. Diane Madden

Associate Director, Science and Technology Education Center

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: dmadden@latech.edu

Dr. Melissa Madden

Assistant Professor, RN-BSN Program Chair

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 326

Phone: 318.257.2174

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: melisama@latech.edu

Dr. Bruce R. Magee

Associate Professor of Literature and Language

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 222

Phone: 318.257.5494

Email: bmagee@latech.edu

Meredith Magee

Assistant Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1120

Phone: 318.257.3030

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: magee@latech.edu

Todd Maggio

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 115C

Phone: 318.257.3328

Email: maggio@latech.edu

Dr. Daniela Mainardi

Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Graduate Studies Office, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BOGH 224

Phone: 318.257.4314

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: mainardi@latech.edu

Clark Malchow


Department: School of Design

Phone: 318.257.5269

Email: cmalchow@latech.edu

Harish Mamireddy

Workday Application Analyst

Department: Computing Center

Office: Wyly Tower 121

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: harish@latech.edu

Capt. Bryce Mande

Recruiting Office

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1416

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: bmande@latech.edu

Dr. Terri Maness

Professor, Environmental Science Program Coordinator

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 203

Phone: 318.257.2724

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: tmaness@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Manning

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111C

Phone: 318.257.2967

Email: lmanning@latech.edu

Christopher Martin Ph.D.

Dean of the College of Business, Chase Endowed Professor

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 202

Phone: 318.257.4526

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: cmartin@latech.edu

Cristy Martin


Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 128

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: clmartin@latech.edu

Jason Martin

Assistant Director of Facilities

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Building Services in the Student Center

Phone: 318.257.4038

Email: jasonm@latech.edu

Michelle Martin

Department Head, Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1114

Phone: 318.257.2837

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: Mmartin@latech.edu

Kara Mathis

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson 218

Phone: 318.257.3195

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: karam@latech.edu

Richard C. Matkins

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Construction Engineering Technology

Phone: 318.257.2357

Email: rmatkins@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Matthews

Associate Professor and Program Chair for Civil Engineering, Associate Director MALT Center

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 249

Phone: 318.257.3350

Email: ematt@latech.edu

Dr. John Matthews

Director Trenchless Technology Center, Professor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Engineering and Technology Management, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: EA 203

Phone: 318.257.2852

Email: matthews@latech.edu

Kiara Maxie

Admissions Recruiter – Arkansas

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 107

Phone: 318.257.2143

Email: kmaxie@LATech.edu

Zach Mays

Grounds Superintendent

Department: Grounds Maintenance

Office: Physical Plant 100

Phone: 318.257.3267

Email: zmays@latech.edu

Dr. Stacey McAdams

Senior Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 204

Phone: 318.257.3266

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: smcadams@latech.edu

Stan McCaa


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 217A

Phone: 318.257.2343

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: smccaa@latech.edu

Dr. Terry McConathy

Executive Vice President

Department: Office of the President

Office: Wyly Tower 1653

Phone: 318.257.4262

Email: tmm@latech.edu

Dr. Bryan McCoy

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200D

Phone: 318.257.2585

Email: bmccoy@latech.edu

Morgan J McCullin

Administrative Clerk

Department: Louisiana Tech Meat Science Laboratory

Phone: 318.257.3550

Email: morganm@latech.edu

Lori McCullough

Administrative Coordinator

Department: Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Email: lorim@latech.edu

William McCumber Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Research, JPJ Investments Endowed Professor of Finance, Professor

Departments: Economics & Finance, Graduate Programs

Office: COBB 218

Phone: 318.257.4528

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: mccumber@latech.edu

Rachel McDonald

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center B16B

Email: rachelm@latech.edu

Dr. Patti McFadden


Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 148

Phone: 318.257.3109

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: pattim@latech.edu

Sue Jones McFadden

Business Liaison Librarian

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Library 243

Phone: 318.257.2273

Email: sumac@latech.edu

Adam McGuirt

Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives

Department: Office of the President

Office: Wyly Tower 1503

Phone: 318.257.2657

Email: amcguirt@latech.edu

Melanie McHugh

Administrative Assistant 5

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 201

Phone: 318.257.4648

Email: mmchugh@latech.edu

Emerald McIntyre

Digital Storyteller – Photographer

Department: University Communications

Office: WYLT 1225

Phone: 318.257.2093

Email: emerald@latech.edu

Zachary McIntyre

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center 113

Email: zacharym@latech.edu

Heather McKenzie

Assistant Professor / Dietetic Intern Director

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 149E

Phone: 318.257.2370

Email: mckenzie@latech.edu

Dr. Andrew C. McKevitt

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 120

Phone: 318.257.5480

Email: mckevitt@latech.edu

Benjamin McLarty Ph.D.

McGehee Eminent Scholar Chair in Entrepreneurship, Professor of Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 205

Phone: 318.257.3580

Email: bmclarty@latech.edu

Dr. Philip J. McMullan


Department: Chemistry

Office: IESB 333

Phone: 318.257.4793

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: mcmullan@latech.edu

Dr. Sarah McVay

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 366

Phone: 318.257.4189

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: smcvay@latech.edu

Kacie Mennie Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114B

Phone: 318.257.4131

Email: kmennie@latech.edu

Lynsey Mercer MA, LPC

Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives

Department: Counseling Services

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: lmercer@latech.edu

Hani I. Mesak Ph.D.

State Farm Endowed Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 333

Phone: 318.257.3506

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: mesak@latech.edu

Kayli A. Messina

Staffing & Development Coordinator – Unclassified Personnel

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny Hall 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Fax: 318.257.2482

Email: kmessina@latech.edu

Dr. Jeremy Mhire

Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Professor

Departments: Office of the Associate Dean - CoLA, School of History and Social Science, Waggonner Center

Office: GTM 104

Phone: 318.257.2660

Email: jmhire@latech.edu

Allison Milan


Office: Marbury Alumni Center

Phone: 318.497.7988

Email: amilan@latechalumni.org

Caroline Milford

Manager of Facility Operations and Special Events, Head Coach Louisiana Tech Regal Blues

Departments: Recreation and Intramurals, Student Activities and Student Programs

Office: Lambright 105B

Phone: 318.257.2613

Email: caroline@latech.edu

Stacy Rainwater Miller

Administrative Assistant 5

Departments: Office of the Associate Vice President for Administration & Facilities, Procurement

Office: Keeny Hall 408

Phone: 318.257.2769

Fax: 318.257.3772

Email: miller@latech.edu

Dr. Manki Min

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 245

Phone: 318.257.2916

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mankimin@latech.edu

TSgt. Nicholas Miner

NCOIC, Administration

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1422

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: nminer@latech.edu

Hamidreza “Amir” Mirzaei


Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 217

Phone: 318.257.3329

Fax: 318.257.2562

Forrest Moegle J.D.

Lecturer of Business Law

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 344

Phone: 318.257.3871

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: fmoegle@latech.edu

Dr. M. Steele Moegle

Interim School of Music Director, Associate Professor, Piano

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 227

Phone: 318.257.5275

Email: mmoegle@latech.edu

Kelsey Moeller

Director, ECEC

Departments: Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC), Human Ecology

Office: ECEC

Phone: 318.257.2607

Email: kmoeller@latech.edu

Matthew “Monty” Montgomery

Department Chair

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 320

Phone: 318.257.2691

Email: matthewm@latech.edu

Dr.  Arden Moore

Associate Professor, Director of Institute for Micromanufacturing, Interim Associate Dean of Research.

Departments: Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IFMM 203

Phone: 318.257.5106

Fax: 318.257.2777

Email: amoore@latech.edu

Daniel Moore

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center 117

Phone: 318.257.2240

Email: dmoore@latech.edu

Dr. Barry J. Morales

Director of Dual Enrollment

Department: Dual Enrollment

Office: Wyly Tower 314

Phone: 318.257.3031

Fax: 318.257.2908

Email: bmorales@latech.edu

Chester ‘Tripp’ Morgan

Safety Specialist

Department: Environmental Health and Safety

Office: EH&S Bldg, Rm 109

Phone: 318.257.2120

Email: chmorgan@latech.edu

Ms. Christin Morgan

Customer Service Manager

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: christin@latech.edu

Nikolas Morgan


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 247

Phone: 318.257.4301

Email: nmorgan@latech.edu

Dr. Matthew Morse

Lecturer, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Phone: 318.257.2548

Email: mmorse@latech.edu

Timothy Mark Morse

Application Analyst

Department: Computing Center

Office: Wyly Tower 133

Phone: 318.257.2242

Email: adtmm@latech.edu

Shawn Moss

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 319

Phone: 318.257.2693

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: stmoss@latech.edu

Julie G. Moulard Ph.D.

Balsley-Whitmore Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Marketing

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 347B

Phone: 318.257.2127

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jmoulard@latech.edu

Dr. Aamir Iqbal Muhammad

Fulbright Post-doctorate Fellow

Department: Chemical Engineering

Office: BOGH 116A

Phone: 318.605.7310

Email: miqbal@latech.edu

Brian Mulhair

Application Analyst Developer

Departments: Computing Center, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 123

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: mulhair@latech.edu

Vanessa Bayton Mullins

Training & Development Manager

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny Hall Room 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Email: vmullins@latech.edu

Dr. Mark W. Murphey

Academic Program Chair Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Animal Science, Holder of the Agricultural Sciences Endowed Professorship

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 108

Phone: 318.257.2457

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: murphey@latech.edu

Dr. Erica Murray

Research Associate Professor

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 113

Phone: 318.257.5148

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: emurray@latech.edu

Dr. Teresa Murray

Academic Director for Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemical Engineering

Office: BMEB 203

Phone: 318.257.5237

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: tmurray@latech.edu

Lindsey B Murry

Director of Communications and Outreach

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 225

Phone: 318.257.2072

Email: lmurry@latech.edu

Dr. Nan Nan

Assistant Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 211

Phone: 318.257.2820

Email: nnan@latech.edu

Matt Nantais

Bowling Coordinator

Phone: 318.257.4634

Email: nantais@latech.edu

Raja Nassar

Professional Emeritus

Office: NETH 225

Phone: 318-257-2566

Email: rnassar@latech.edu

Victoria Ned MS, PLPC

Counselor / Coordinator of Student Relations and Special Projects

Department: Counseling Services

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: victoria@latech.edu

Dave Nedbalek

Men’s Basketball Video Coordinator

Department: Athletics

Phone: 903.316.3847

Email: nedbalek@latech.edu

Kristin Marie Nellenbach Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Adjunct, Speech Pathology

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson Hall

Email: kmnellen@latech.edu

Dr. Paul Nelson

Professor of Spanish, Coordinator of the International Studies Minor

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 266

Phone: 318.257.5246

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: pnelson@latech.edu

Dr. Gergana Nestorova

Associate Professor/MSNT Program Chair

Departments: Biological Sciences, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: CTLH111/BMEB232

Phone: 318.257.5230

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: ggnestor@latech.edu

Robert W. Newberry

Chemical Engineer in Residence

Department: Chemical Engineering

Office: BOGH 125

Phone: 318.257.2948

Email: newberry@latech.edu

Dr. Jamie Newman

Professor, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Applied and Natural Sciences

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 242

Phone: 318.257.2622

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jjnewman@latech.edu

Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski

Visiting Lecturer

Departments: Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 233

Phone: 318.257.2772

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jonniemo@latech.edu

Dr. George Noflin Jr.

Assistant Professor, Director of Call Me Mister

Office: Woodard Hall 211C

Phone: 318.257.3923

Fax: 318.257.2960

Email: gnoflin@latech.edu

Dr. Dave N. Norris Jr.

Chief Innovation Officer

Departments: Innovation Enterprise, Office of the President

Office: Tech Pointe 328

Phone: 318.257.3798

Email: dnorris@latech.edu

John Nwoha Ph.D.

Lecturer of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Phone: 318.257.2208

Email: nwoha@latech.edu

Kyle O’Neal

Director of the Humana Student Services Center

Department: Humana Student Services Center

Office: COB 102A

Phone: 318.257.2497

Email: koneal@latech.edu

Dr. Michael O’Neal

Academic Director for Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, and Electrical Engineering, Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 121

Phone: 318.257.2931

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mike@latech.edu

Mrs. Terri S. Odenbaugh

Class/Classroom Scheduling Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: terrio@latech.edu

Ashley Osborne

Project Based Learning Specialist

Departments: Engineering and Technology Management, Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 118

Phone: 318.257.3423

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: aosborne@latech.edu

Natalie Osborne

Helpdesk Supervisor

Department: Infrastructure and Information Technology

Office: WYLT 155

Phone: 328.257.2893

Fax: 318.257.3645

Email: natalie@latech.edu

Rebecca Otwell

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Environmental Health and Safety

Office: Environmental Health & Safety Building

Phone: 318.257.2120

Fax: 318.257.5051

Email: botwell@latech.edu

Ashley Owen Ph.D., LPC-S

Director of Counseling Services

Department: Counseling Services

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: aowen@latech.edu

Allissa Owens

Instructor of Mathematics

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: Bogh 238

Phone: 318.599.1460

Email: agros@latech.edu

Carol Owens

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 150

Phone: 318.257.3105

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: cowens@latech.edu

Gina Palmer

Administrative Coordinator 4

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Office: BMED 103

Phone: 318.257.2430

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: gpalmer@latech.edu

Dr. James Palmer

Associate Vice President for Research Administration, Professor – Chemical Engineering

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 230

Phone: 318.257.2885

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: jpalmer@latech.edu

Elena Parker

Creative Services Manager, Licensing and Trademark Manager

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Fax: 318.257.4938

Email: eparker@latech.edu

Rhonda Parker

Custodial Supervisor

Department: Support Services

Office: Custodial Services

Phone: 318.257.3664

Email: rparker@latech.edu

Shonda Parker

Custodian Manager

Department: Support Services

Office: Custodial Services

Phone: 318.257.2602

Email: sparker@latech.edu

Andrew Parks PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 303

Phone: 318.257.2736

Email: parksac@latech.edu

Carter Parks

Assistant Greenhouse Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: greenhouse@latech.edu

Harmony Patel

Assistant Professor, MHI

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1125

Phone: 318.257.2839

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: hpatel@latech.edu

Dr. William B. Patterson

Associate Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 16

Phone: 318.257.2879

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: wpatter@latech.edu

Dr. Jon Pearson

Associate Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 330

Phone: 318.257.5474

Email: jpearson@latech.edu

Jennifer Peckmore

Senior Records Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Email: jenpeck@LATech.edu

Joe Peel

Physical Plant Director

Department: Physical Plant

Office: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.3267

Email: jpeel@latech.edu

Melanie B Peel

Director of Students in Transition

Department: Students in Transition

Office: Wyly 205

Phone: 318.257.4730

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: mpeel@latech.edu

Richard Pentimonti

Adjunct Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 320

Phone: 318.257.2691

Email: rjpenti@latech.edu

Mr. Thomas ‘Tommy” M Perkins

Tenant Service and Facilities Coordinator Research Innovation

Departments: Enterprise Campus, Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe 235

Phone: 318.537.4309

Email: perkinst@latech.edu

Charli Perry MS, PLPC

Counselor / Coordinator of Strategic Initiatives

Department: Counseling Services

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: cperry@latech.edu

Dr. Andrew Peters

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 218

Phone: 318.257.5110

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: apeters@latech.edu

Jonathan Peterson Ph.D.

Maurice R. Tatum Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 331

Phone: 318.257.2917

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: peterson@latech.edu

Dr. Sherry Peveto

Director, Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 139

Phone: 318.257.3101

Email: speveto@latech.edu

Dr. Kerrilyn Phillips

Professor, Speech Pathology, MA SLP Program Director

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 313

Phone: 318.257.2586

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: kphillip@latech.edu

Henrietta Williams Pichon Ph.D.


Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 101A

Phone: 318.257.3712

Email: hpichon@latech.edu

Mary Kate Pierot

Director of the MBA Program

Department: Graduate Programs

Office: COBB 218d

Phone: 318-257-2075

Email: mpierot@latech.edu

Dr. Jason Pigg

Associate Professor of Political Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 134

Phone: 318.257.5483

Email: jpigg@latech.edu

Krystina Pitre

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Management

Office: COBB 324

Email: kpitre@latech.edu

Dr. Scott Poh

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: CTLH 239

Phone: 318.257.2373

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: spoh@latech.edu

Nathan Ponder

Associate Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 227

Email: ponder@latech.edu

Corbin Porter

Police Officer

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Email: cporter@latech.edu

Mrs. Nicole Postel

Lab School Librarian

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 122

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: npostel@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Stacy Potter

Visting Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 236

Phone: 318.257.4505

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: spotter@latech.edu

Kyle Prather

Professional-in-residence and Instructor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 117

Phone: 318.257.2080

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kprather@latech.edu

Harleigh Price

Digital Storyteller – Video

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: hprice@latech.edu

John Price

Bus Driver

Department: Support Services

Office: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.2705

Email: price@latech.edu

Karl Puljak

Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Associate Professor of Architecture

Departments: Office of the Dean - CoLA, School of Design

Office: GTM 102

Phone: 318.257.4805

Email: puljak@latech.edu

Robert Pullis J.D., LL.M.

Robert W. Levy Endowed Professor in Business & Law, Professional in Residence

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 207

Phone: 318.257.2241

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: rpullis@latech.edu

Denise Pyles

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 370

Phone: 318.257.3033

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: lpyles@latech.edu

Mu Qiao PhD

Associate Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 308

Phone: 318.257.5467

Email: mqiao@latech.edu

Ben Quinnelly

Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 257

Phone: 318.257.2180

Email: bquinn@latech.edu

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

Assistant Professor

Departments: Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IFM 114

Phone: 318.257.5140

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: srahman@latech.edu

Molly Rainwater

Coordinator of Strategic Learning Partnerships, SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: mhill@latech.edu

Professor B. Ramu Ramachandran

Interim Vice President for Research, Dean of Graduate School

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Graduate School, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Research

Office: Wyly Tower 1208, Wyly Tower 1642

Phone: 318.257.4304

Fax: 318.257.4487

Email: ramu@latech.edu

Dr. Kary Randall

Associate Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 340

Phone: 318.257.5478

Email: kary@latech.edu

Debora A. Rathburn

Library Specialist – Government Documents

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library

Phone: 318.257.2280

Email: rathburn@latech.edu

Tara Raue

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison 209A

Phone: 318.257.2442

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: tara@latech.edu

Andrew Ray

Adjunct Instructor

Department: School of Theatre

Office: HCPA 202

Phone: 318.257.2062

Email: adray@latech.edu

Halie Ray

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 213A

Phone: 318.257.2958

Email: hray@latech.edu

Dianne V. Reed

Administrative Assistant III

Office: Woodard Hall 203

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: dreed@latech.edu

C. Smiley Reeves MS


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 304

Phone: 318.257.5459

Email: creeves@latech.edu

Pamela Reeves

Adjunct Instructor of Music Appreciation

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: pemory@latech.edu

Rosemary N Reeves

Assistant to Director

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 110

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: rreeves@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Timothy Reeves


Department: Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 237

Phone: 318.257.2395

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: treeves@latech.edu

Gorden E. Reger

Instructor, Meat Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Meat Laboratory

Phone: 318.257.4220

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: greger@latech.edu

Alison Reichter PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 223

Phone: 318.257.3280

Email: reichter@latech.edu

Dr. Louis Reis

Program Chair of Biomedical Engineering and Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BMEB 212

Phone: 318.257.2954

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: lgreis@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Rennick

Adjunct Instructor of Double Reeds

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: erennick@latech.edu

Harlie Reynolds

Financial Aid Counselor – Loans Counselor

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: harlier@latech.edu

Jeremy Reynolds Ph.D

Associate Professor – Theatre

Department: School of Theatre

Office: HCPA 104

Phone: 318.257.5270

Email: reynolds@latech.edu

Linda W Reynolds

Accounting Technician

Department: Tech Express

Office: Student Center 155

Phone: 318.257.4553

Email: lindar@latech.edu

Zynthia Rhodes

COES Budget Manager

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 208

Phone: 318.257.2598

Email: zrhodes@latech.edu

Ryan W. Richard

Chief of Staff for Presidential Initiatives

Department: Office of the President

Office: Wyly Tower 1639

Phone: 318.257.3693

Fax: 318.257.2928

Email: richard@latech.edu

Emma Richardson

Student Retention Specialist

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 104

Phone: 318.257.2608

Email: emma@latech.edu

Emma Richardson

Student Retention Specialist (College of Education)

Office: Woodard Hall 107

Phone: 318.257.2608

Email: emma@latech.edu

Vanna Richardson

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson Hall 211

Phone: 318.257.2433

Email: vannar@latech.edu

Don Rider D.B.A.

Lecturer of Computer Information Systems

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COB 359

Phone: 318.257.3264

Email: drider@latech.edu

Michelle Riggs-Waller

Special Collections Librarian and University Archivist

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Library 414

Phone: 318.257.2287

Email: michellew@latech.edu

Charles (Neil) Rinehart

Specialized Laboratory Technician

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 127C

Phone: 318.257.2709

Fax: 318.257.2306

Email: charlesr@latech.edu

Kirk Ring Ph.D.

Century Next Bank Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 209

Phone: 318.257.3546

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: kring@latech.edu

Laura Ritter


Department: School of Literature and Language

Phone: 318.257.2719

Email: lritter@latech.edu

Crystal Rivera

Coordinator of Student Development

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Wyly Tower 210

Phone: 318.257.4917

Email: crivera@latech.edu

Norman Rivera MA, LPC

Lab School Counselor

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 116

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: nrivera@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Susan Roach

Professor of English, Emerita

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 284

Phone: 318.257.2728

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: msroach@latech.edu

Dr. Dorothy Dodge Robbins

Charlotte Lewis Endowed Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 240

Phone: 318.257.5488

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: drobbins@latech.edu

Dr. Sherrie Roberson

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 316

Phone: 318.257.3076

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: sherrie@latech.edu

Dr. Judith Roberts

Associate Professor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson 212

Phone: 318.257.4907

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: jroberts@latech.edu

Matthew Roberts Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 319

Phone: 318.257.2389

Email: matthewr@latech.edu

Tonya Roberts

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1113

Phone: 318.257.2341

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: trae@latech.edu

Amanda Robertson


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 205

Phone: 318.257.2293

Email: arobertson@latech.edu

Casey Robertson

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Email: caseyr@latech.edu

Rusty Rockett

Coordinator of Recreational Facilities

Department: Recreation and Intramurals

Phone: 318.257.4634

Email: rockettr@latech.edu

Dr. Pam Rollins

Associate Professor

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 212B

Phone: 318.257.3034

Email: prollins@latech.edu

Brandon Roten

Admissions Recruiter – Shreveport/Bossier City

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 108

Phone: 318.257.2158

Email: broten@latech.edu

Rick Rowell D.M.A.

Adjunct Instructor of Trumpet

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: rdrowell@latech.edu

Devery Alan Rowland

Director of Postal Services

Department: Postal Operations

Office: Tolliver Hall

Phone: 318.257.3471

Email: officeservices@latech.edu

Kristie Ruddick


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 243

Phone: 318.257.2632

Email: kruddick@latech.edu

Dr. Ernest Paul Rufleth

Director, School of Literature and Language, Mabel and Doug Maguire Endowed Associate Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 236

Phone: 318.257.2355

Email: erufleth@latech.edu

Kyle Rugg


Department: Chemistry

Office: IESB 323

Phone: 318.257.2423

Email: krugg@latech.edu

Dr. Julie Rutledge

Professor, ENRICH Director

Departments: Education and Research in Children's Health Center (ENRICH Center), Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 211B

Phone: 318.257.4456

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: rutledge@latech.edu

Nasim Sabah Ph.D.

Chase Bank Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COB 215

Phone: 318.257.3593

Email: msabah@LaTech.edu

Dr. Hadi Salehi

Assistant Professor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BOGH 243

Phone: 318.257.2210

Email: hsalehi@latech.edu

Shawna C. Sampson

Administrative Coordinator

Department: Nursing

Phone: 318.257.3101

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: ssampson@latech.edu

Mrs. Sheila W. Sanchez

VA Liaison Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: sheilas@latech.edu

Camden M. Sanford

Student Retention Specialist

Department: Humana Student Services Center

Office: COB 102F

Phone: 318.257.2491

Email: csanford@latech.edu

Michael Saunders MA

Doctoral Intern Counseling Psychology

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: msa045@latech.edu

Dr. Brenda Savage

Associate Professor of Sociology

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 136

Phone: 318.257.4804

Email: bsavage@latech.edu

Dr. Lee Sawyer

Academic Director for Chemistry and Physics, Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Chemistry, Physics

Office: CTLH 316A

Phone: 318.257.4053

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: sawyer@latech.edu

John Scanlan

Senior Accountant

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 128

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: jscanlan@latech.edu

Daniel Schales

Director – Infrastructure & IT

Department: Infrastructure and Information Technology

Office: Wyly Tower 134B

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: dan@latech.edu

Mrs. Patty Scheaffer

Lab School Teacher, 5th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Phone: 318.257.3469

Email: pattys@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Greg Schelonka


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 272

Phone: 318.257.5248

Email: gregory@latech.edu

Donald N. Schillinger Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111D

Phone: 318.257.2676

Email: dschill@latech.edu

Cherrie A. Sciro

Coordinator of Theatre

Department: School of Theatre

Office: Howard Auditorum 304 A

Phone: 318.257.5274

Email: lulu@latech.edu

Patrick Scott Ph.D.

Patricia Garland Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 328

Phone: 318.257.2311

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: pscott@latech.edu

Bambie Seal

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Kavanaugh Office of Undergraduate Programs

Office: COBB 103

Phone: 318.257.4525

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: bseal@latech.edu

Travis Self

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Phone: 318.257.5466

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: ths011@latech.edu

Dr. Masood Sepehrimanesh

Assistant Professor, Cell and Molecular Biology

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 209

Phone: 318.257.3193

Email: masoods@latech.edu

D’Ann Shannon

Financial Aid Counselor – Unusual Circumstances

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: dshannon@latech.edu

Robert Sharp

Music Industry Coordinator, Lecturer

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 325

Phone: 318.257.4109

Email: rsharp@latech.edu

Tonia Sharp

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 216

Phone: 318.257.2538

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: tsharp@latech.edu

Dr. John Shaw


Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: IESB 309

Phone: 318.257.4240

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: jshaw@latech.edu

D’eane Sheehan


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 207

Phone: 318.257.2668

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: dsheehan@latech.edu

Tilman L. Sheets Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 217

Phone: 318.257.3008

Email: tilman@latech.edu

Sheetal Shelke

Grants Accountant

Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall

Phone: 318.257.5078

Email: sshelke@latech.edu

Kelsey Shoemaker

Research Associate, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 126

Phone: 318.257.2773

Email: kds054@latech.edu

Dr. Sheryl S. Shoemaker

Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Department: Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Office: Wyly Tower 1519/1520

Phone: 318.257.2384

Email: sshoemaker@latech.edu

Sgt. Harry Shrell

Police Sergeant

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Fax: 318.257.2831

Email: HShrell@latech.edu

Julie Knippers Shrubb

Coordinator, Research, Outreach, and Innovation (ROI) & SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137C

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: jshrubb@latech.edu

Dr. Richard G. Shrubb

Associate Professor, and Coordinator of the Ed.D. Program

Office: Woodard Hall 200-B

Phone: 318.257.2045

Email: rshrubb@latech.edu

Dr. Jeff Shultz

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 120

Phone: 318.257.2753

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jlshultz@latech.edu

Sylvia Shultz

Executive Office Manager

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 202

Phone: 318.257.4557

Email: sshultz@latech.edu

Dr. Shabnam Siddiqui

Research Assistant Professor

Department: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMED 202

Email: shabnam@latech.edu

Bruce Siegmund MBA

Instructor of Marketing and Business Administration

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 204f

Phone: 318.257.4306

Email: siegmund@latech.edu

Reagan Silva


Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall

Phone: 318.257.2429

Email: rsilva@latech.edu

Dr. Neven Simicevic

Assistant Director, Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: EA 212

Phone: 318.257.3591

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: neven@latech.edu

Debora Simmons

Accounting Specialist II

Department: Comptroller

Office: Kenny Hall 128

Phone: 318.257.4325

Fax: 318.257.2234

Email: debora@latech.edu

Kristen Sims

O&M Instructor

Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Email: ksims@latech.edu

Dr. Tanya Sims


Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 142

Phone: 318.257.2737

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: tsims@latech.edu

Joel Sinclair

Coordinator of Career Development & Special Projects

Department: Career Services

Office: Keeny Hall 337F

Phone: 318.257.2565

Fax: 318.257.2961

Email: jsinclair@latech.edu

Dr. Erin Singer

Associate Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 206

Phone: 318.257.3939

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: esinger@latech.edu

Kevin Singh

Architecture Program Chair, Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 317

Phone: 318.257.5267

Email: ksingh@latech.edu

Vishesh Singh MS


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 108

Phone: 318.257.2148

Email: vsingh@latech.edu

Dr. Whitney Sivils-Sawyer

Director, Center for Instructional Technology

Office: Wyly Tower 1014

Phone: 318.257.2741

Email: whitneys@latech.edu

Dianne Slack

Manager, Administrative Services

Department: Computing Center

Phone: 318.257.2893

Fax: 318.257.3645

Email: dslack@latech.edu

Ryan Slack

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Postal Operations

Office: Tolliver

Phone: 318.257.3494

Email: rslack@latech.edu

Joey Slaughter


Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 108

Phone: 318.257.2460

Email: joey@latech.edu

Stephanie Smart MS, LAT, ATC, CES

Adjunct Faculty Member – Associate Athletic Trainer

Departments: Athletics, Kinesiology

Office: Athletic Training Room

Email: ssmart@latech.edu

Allando Smith

Coordinator of Auxiliary Services

Office: Hale Hall 101

Phone: 318.257.2138

Email: allandos@latech.edu

Christian Smith


Departments: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 213

Phone: 318.257.2644

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: crsmith@latech.edu

Genaro Ky Ly Smith

Instructor, Writer

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 208

Phone: 318.257.3027

Email: gsmith@latech.edu

Marsha Smith

Administrative Assistant 3, Property Custodian

Departments: Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 123

Phone: 318.257.2317

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: msmith@latech.edu

Dr. Megan R Smith

Debate Coach

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson Hall 220

Phone: 318.257.3196

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: megan@latech.edu

Borys Smolaga

Adjunct Instructor of Strings

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 204

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: bsmolaga@latech.edu

Kelcie Sneed

Admissions Recruiter – Southwest Louisiana

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 114

Phone: 318.257.2191

Email: ksneed@LATech.edu

Jennifer Sneed Magee

Payroll Accountant

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 138

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: jsneed@latech.edu

Donna Snow

Administrative Assistant

Department: Nursing

Phone: 318.257.3101

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: dlsnow@latech.edu

Dr. Roya Solhmirzaei

Assistant Professor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BOGH 242

Phone: 318.257.5115

Email: solhmirz@latech.edu

Michael Solice

Barksdale Program Coordinator, Assistant Professor

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: Education Center, Building 4314, Room 312

Phone: 318.456.5008

Fax: 318.741.7386

Email: msolice@latech.edu

Mary Ruth Songer

Senior Programmer Analyst, Web Developer

Department: Information Systems and Financial Planning

Office: Keeny Hall 417

Phone: 318.257.2154

Email: ismrs@latech.edu

Tom Soto

Director of Brand Strategy

Department: University Communications

Office: WYLT 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: tsoto@latech.edu

Kassi Speaks

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Graduate Programs

Office: COBB 218c

Phone: 318.257.4528

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: kspeaks@latech.edu

Samuel Leron Speed

Dean of Student Engagement and Undergraduate Recruitment

Departments: International Affairs, Recreation and Intramurals, Recruitment and Admissions, Residential Life and Summer Camps, Student Activities and Student Programs, Student Engagement and Undergraduate Recruitment

Office: Hale Hall 101

Phone: 318.257.3036

Fax: 318.257.2499

Email: sspeed@latech.edu

Adrianna Speer

Visiting Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center B16C

Email: aspeer@latech.edu

Emily Spoon

Assistant Director of Residential Life

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Wyly Tower 227

Phone: 318.257.4917

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: espoon@latech.edu

Tara Spridco

Literacy Project Support Staff

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: tspridco@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Springer

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J Taylor Visual Arts Center, B01

Phone: 318.257.2175

Email: marys@latech.edu

Lt. Col. James Sprys

Commander, Air Force ROTC Det 305

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1419

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: jsprys@latech.edu

John Spurgeon

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Computer Science

Dagmara Sreckovic-Ramsey

Manager of Operations

Department: Computing Center

Office: Wyly Tower 149

Phone: 318.257.2893

Fax: 318.257.3645

Email: dasha@latech.edu

Dori St. Amant


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 228

Phone: 318.257.3678

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: dstamant@latech.edu

Dionne St. Cyr

Assistant Director for Business Operations

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: dstcyr@latech.edu

Dr. Kirk St.Amant

Professor, Eunice C. Williamson Endowed Chair, Director of Center for Health and Medical Communication, Coordinator of Graduate Studies in English

Departments: Center for Health and Medical Communication, School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 278

Phone: 318.257.5490

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: stamantk@latech.edu

Thomas Stafford Ph.D.

John Ed Barnes Endowed Eminent Scholar in Data Analytics, Professor

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 203A

Phone: 318.257.3886

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: stafford@latech.edu

Dr. Joel Stake

Director of the Honors College, Senior Lecturer

Departments: Biological Sciences, Honors College

Office: UNVH 123

Phone: 318.257.2653

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jstake@latech.edu

Kristi Stake

Instructor Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 207A

Phone: 318.257.2431

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: kstake@latech.edu

Michael Stephenson


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 341

Phone: 318.257.2804

Email: stephens@latech.edu

Jeffrey Stepp

Cataloger/System Administrator/Electronic Resources Librarian

Department: Library

Office: PML 241

Phone: 318.257.2279

Email: jstepp@latech.edu

Raymond Sterling

Professor Emeritus

Phone: 318-257-4072

Email: sterling@latech.edu

Cleve Stevens

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 207B

Phone: 318.257.2432

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: cleve@latech.edu

Martha Stevens

Assistant for Administration

Department: Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe 325

Phone: 318.257.2938

Email: mstevens@latech.edu

Cpl. Jacob Stewart

Police Corporal

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Fax: 318.257.2831

Email: Rstewart@latech.edu

Ofc. Ronald Stewart

Police Officer

Department: University Police

Office: South Hall

Phone: 318.257.4018

Fax: 318.257.2831

Email: RStewart@latech.edu

Dr. Barbara Still

Assistant Professor, Animal Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 106

Phone: 318.257.2797

Email: bstill@latech.edu

Jacob Stokes

Senior Accountant

Department: Comptroller

Office: Keeny Hall 128

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: jstokes@latech.edu

Doug Strain

ITE operator 3

Department: Computing Center

Office: WT151

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: opdbs@latech.edu

Dr. Lynne Stratton

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200C

Phone: 318.257.5450

Email: stratton@latech.edu

Christine Strebeck


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 256

Phone: 318.257.5242

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: strebeck@latech.edu

Gary Strebeck

Director of Estate Planning and Donor Relations

Phone: 318.295.4359

Email: gary@latechalumni.org

Sally Strickland

Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: Physical Plant

Office: Physical Plant

Phone: 318.257.3267

Email: sstrick@latech.edu

Dr. Andrew Stroud


Department: Physics

Office: IESB 315

Phone: 318.257.2074

Email: astroud@latech.edu

Lauren Suess

Senior Records Coordinator – Graduate Records

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: suess@latech.edu

Terri Sullivan

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 110

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: terris@aep.latech.edu

Lingna “Selina” Sun Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 217

Phone: 318.257.3571

Email: lingnas@latech.edu

Eric Sutherland MBA


Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 361

Phone: 318.257.3859

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: erics@latech.edu

Juliette Sutton

Coordinator of Housing Communications

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Wyly Tower 111

Phone: 318.257.4917

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: juliette@latech.edu

Dr. Michael Swanbom

Distinguished Lecturer

Departments: Integrated STEM Research Center, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 239

Phone: 318.257.3908

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mswanbom@latech.edu

David Szymanski PhD

Department Chair, Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 205

Phone: 318.257.4432

Email: dszyman@latech.edu

Jessica Szymanski MEd


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 307

Phone: 318.257.2071

Email: jszyman@latech.edu

Majd Tahat


Office: NETH 147

Phone: 318.257.2768

Ashley Talbert

Coordinator of Building Services

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Building Services in the Student Center

Phone: 318.257.4038

Email: atalbert@latech.edu

Elton Scott Taylor II

Director of First-Year Programs

Department: Student Services and Academic Support

Office: WYLT 206

Phone: 318.257.2547

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: estaylor@latech.edu

Laura Franklin Taylor

General Merchandise Manager Barnes and Noble at LA Tech Bookstore

Department: Bookstore

Office: LA TECH Bookstore

Phone: 318.257.2428

Fax: 318.257.3356

Email: ltaylor@latech.edu

Shiloh Taylor

Building, Event, and Culture Coordinator

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101C

Phone: 318.257.2842

Email: shiloh@latech.edu

Edward Teal

Training Specialist and Student Employment

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: eteal@latech.edu

Skylar Temple

Manager of Fitness Programs

Department: Recreation and Intramurals

Office: Lambright Sports and Wellness Center office 159

Phone: 318.257.4634

Fax: 318.257.5086

Email: skylar@latech.edu

Jason Terry


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 209

Phone: 318.257.2455

Email: jterry@latech.edu

Boris Teske

College of Liberal Arts Liaison Librarian

Department: Library

Office: PML 240

Phone: 318.257.2992

Email: teskeb@latech.edu

Lauren Theis

Financial Aid Counselor – Services Coordinator

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: latheis@latech.edu

Michael Theodos PE

Professional in Residence

Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 123

Phone: 318.257.2901

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mtheodos@latech.edu

Ms. Ashton Thomas

Student Experience Coordinator

Department: Honors College

Office: UNVH 119

Phone: 318.257.3282

Email: Ashton@LATech.edu

Dee Dee R Thomas

Administrative Coordinator, Freshman Admissions

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall

Phone: 318.257.3036

Fax: 318.257.2499

Email: drthomas@latech.edu

Donna B. Thomas Ph.D.

Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Department: Athletics Council

Office: 1653 Wyly Tower

Phone: 318.257.4262

Email: dthomas@latech.edu

Jacob Thomas

Coordinator of New Student Orientation Programs

Department: First Year Programs

Office: Wyly Tower 210

Phone: 318.257.2544

Email: jacobt@latech.edu

Katherine Thomas

Assistant Director of Communications

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Lijo Thomas

Adjunct Faculty

Phone: 318.614.0444

Email: lijot@latech.edu

Anne Thompson

Manager of Budget & Administrative Assistant

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 110

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: anne@aep.latech.edu

Carol Thompson

Transition and Development Assistant

Office: Academic Success Center 5770

Phone: 318.383.5770

Email: cethomp@latech.edu

Stephany Thompson

COES Graduate Recruitment and Retention Coordinator

Department: Graduate Studies Office

Office: BOGH 224

Phone: 318.257.4314

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: stephany@latech.edu

Dr. V. Elaine Thompson

Associate Professor and Coordinator, Department of History

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 110

Phone: 318.257.2144

Email: elainet@latech.edu

Dr. Richard L Thurlkill

Program Chair and Lecturer

Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 339

Phone: 318.257.2371

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: rthurl@latech.edu

Dr. Heath Tims

CEO of Alumni Association/Associate Vice President for University Engagement & Professor – Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 101D

Phone: 318.257.2842

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: htims@latech.edu

Sandesh Tiwari

Database Administrator

Department: Computing Center

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: tiwari@latech.edu

Steven R. Toaddy Ph.D.

Department Head of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Associate Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 120A

Phone: 318.257.5066

Email: toaddy@latech.edu

Nicholas Todd

Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 226

Phone: 318.257.5496

Email: ntodd@latech.edu

Michael Earl Tolar

Manager of Administrative Applications Programming

Department: Computing Center

Office: Wyly Tower 124

Phone: 318.257.2226

Fax: 318.257.3645

Email: mtolar@LaTech.edu

Nathan Trahan

Interim Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Music Education

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 221

Phone: 318.257.2061

Email: ntrahan@latech.edu

Sheila Trammel

Director & EEO Officer, Human Resources

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny Hall 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Fax: 318.257.2482

Email: strammel@latech.edu

Van Tran Le

Assistant Dean of Graduate School

Department: Graduate School

Office: Wyly Tower 1207

Phone: 318.257.2924

Email: vtran@latech.edu

Alli Treece

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Design

Brian Tryon

Senior Associate Director of Recreation

Department: Recreation and Intramurals

Office: Lambright 158

Phone: 318.257.2611

Fax: 318.257.5086

Email: tryon@latech.edu

Dr. WeiShu Tsai

Assistant Professor of Voice, Voice Area Coordinator

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 327

Phone: 318.257.2060

Email: wtsai@latech.edu

Kimberly Anne Tucker


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTMH 252

Phone: 318.257.5241

Email: ktucker@latech.edu

Aimee Turner

Research Coordinator

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2128

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: aimeeturner@latech.edu

Dr. Galen Turner

Academic Director for Mathematics and Statistics, Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 207

Phone: 318.257.2161

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: gturner@latech.edu

Kim Turner

Account Technician

Department: Comptroller

Office: Kenny Hall 103

Phone: 318.257.4325

Email: kturner@latech.edu

Mrs. Suzanne Tyler

Lab School Teacher, Gym

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 130

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: styler@aep.latech.edu

University Communications

Department: University Communications

Craig Van Slyke Ph.D.

Mike McCallister Eminent Scholar Chair in Information Systems

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 325B

Phone: 318.257.2324

Email: vanslyke@latech.edu

Dr. Joshua Phillip Vandenbrink

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CLT 130

Phone: 318.257.2605

Email: jpvdb@latech.edu

Dr. Tonya Vandenbrink

Assistant Professor

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 212C

Phone: 318.257.2713

Email: Vandenb@latech.edu

Mrs. Gail VanDenLangenberg

Lab School Teacher, 4th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 151

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: gailvan@aep.latech.edu

Brooke Vanlandingham

Central Louisiana/Mississippi Recruiter

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 115

Phone: 318.257.2149

Email: brookev@latech.edu

Dr. Amy Vessel

Associate Professor, Director Clinical and Professional Experiences

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.5451

Email: avessel@latech.edu

Dr. Lindsey Vincent

Associate Dean for Research, Outreach, and Innovation – Education and Human Sciences; Director – SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: lbkv@latech.edu

Dr. Yuri Voziyanov


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 121

Phone: 318.257.2694

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: voziyan@latech.edu

Kelli Wade

Administrative Assistant

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 119

Phone: 318.257.5066

Email: kwade@latech.edu

Alana Wagner


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 212

Phone: 318.257.5489

Email: acwagner@latech.edu

Mrs. Claudia Wagner

Lab School Teacher, Kindergarten

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 141

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: cwagner@aep.latech.edu

Fredda Wagner

Grant Administration Specialist, Office Manager

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Office of Sponsored Projects, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: EA 201

Phone: 318.257.3204

Email: fredda@latech.edu

Dr. Buddhini Waidyawansa

Research Assistant Professor

Department: Physics

Office: IESB 317

Phone: 318.257.2461

Email: buddhini@latech.edu

Jeffrey J. Walczyk Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114E

Phone: 318.257.3004

Email: walczyk@latech.edu

LeAnn Waldroup

Director of Strategic Communications

Departments: Department of External Relations, Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 204E

Phone: 318.257.5295

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: waldroup@latech.edu

Cayla Walker

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 101

Phone: 318.257.3322

Email: caylaw@latech.edu

Mary Beth Walker

Account Specialist 2

Department: Tech Express

Office: Student Center 155

Phone: 318.257.4553

Email: mwalker@latech.edu

Samuel Glenn Wallace

Associate Vice President for Administration and Facilities

Departments: Office of the Associate Vice President for Administration & Facilities, Office of the President

Office: Keeny Hall 408

Phone: 318.257.2769

Fax: 318.257.3772

Email: wallace@latech.edu

Walter Wallace

Power Plant Superintendent

Department: Power Plant

Office: Power Plant

Phone: 318.257.4707

Fax: 318.257.3132

Email: wwallace@latech.edu

Michael Waller

Government Documents and Applied and Natural Sciences Librarian

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Library 269A

Phone: 318.257.4989

Email: mwaller@latech.edu

Mrs. Jada Walsworth

Lab School Teacher, 3rd Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 153

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: walsworth@aep.latech.edu

Bruce Walters Ph.D.

Edward L. Moyers Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 315

Phone: 318.257.2646

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: bwalters@latech.edu

Dr. Jonathan Walters

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 215

Phone: 318.257.4051

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: walters@latech.edu

Dr. Jay Xingran Wang P.E.

Civil Engineering, Professor – Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Technology

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology

Office: BOGH 250

Phone: 318.257.2934

Email: xwang@latech.edu

Jody Wang

Grants Accountant

Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall 418

Phone: 318.257.2331

Email: ywang@latech.edu

Dr. Lingxiao Wang

Assistant Professor

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 213

Phone: 318.257.2758

Email: lwang@latech.edu

Dr. Shengnian Wang


Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: IFMM 112

Phone: 318.257.5125

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: swang@latech.edu

Joanna Ward MA, RHIA

Associate Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1118

Phone: 318.257.2339

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: jward@latech.edu

Lauren Ward

Admissions Specialist – College of Engineering and Science

Departments: Recruitment and Admissions, Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 111

Phone: 318.257.2211

Email: lward@latech.edu

Daphne Washington

Instructor, Speech Pathology, AAC Specialist

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson Hall 120

Phone: 318.257.2539

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: daphnew@latech.edu

Jerona Washington

Director of Online Learning Initiatives and the Academic Success Center

Department: Tech Online

Office: Administrative Suite 408

Phone: 318.383.5762

Email: jerona@latech.edu

Jimmy D Washington

Coordinator of Multicultural Gifts & Advancement

Department: Multicultural Affairs

Office: Student Center 213

Phone: 318.257.2067

Email: jwashing@latech.edu

Dr. Nazimuddin Wasiuddin


Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 245

Phone: 318.257.2392

Email: wasi@latech.edu

Adam Waters

Associate Professor, Audiology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 217

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: awaters@latech.edu

Kevin Watson Ph.D.

Jack & Peggy Byrd Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 317

Phone: 318.257.2112

Email: kwatson@latech.edu

Kendell Webb

Visiting Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 226

Phone: 318.257.5260

Email: kwebb@latech.edu

Mary Webb

Financial Aid Counselor – TOPS

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: mwebb@latech.edu

Dr. Leland Weiss

Director – Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering; Professor – Mechanical Engineering

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 253A

Phone: 318.257.5113

Email: lweiss@latech.edu

Dr. Katie Welch

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Business

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 125

Phone: 318.257.2451

Email: kwelch@latech.edu

Leslie Welch

Student Retention Specialist (College of Applied and Natural Sciences)

Office: WYLT 1123

Phone: 318.257.2832

Email: lwelch@latech.edu

Kathleen Wells

Administrative Assistant IV

Department: Office of the Dean - CoLA

Office: GTM 102A

Phone: 318.257.4805

Email: kwells@latech.edu

Dr. Michael Wells

Assistant Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 205

Phone: 318.257.4573

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: mwells@latech.edu

Quade Wells

Laboratory Manager and Property Inventory Custodian

Department: Trenchless Technology Center

Office: SC 101

Phone: 318.257.5303

Email: jqwells@latech.edu

Dr. Steven Wells


Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: EA 214

Phone: 318.257.2194

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: steve@latech.edu

Allen White

Assistant Director of Administrative Information Systems

Department: Information Systems and Financial Planning

Office: Keeny Hall 148

Phone: 318.257.4324

Email: allenw@latech.edu

Ann Hays White

Property Control Manager

Department: Property

Office: Property

Phone: 318.257.2742

Fax: 318.257.5050

Email: awhite@latech.edu

James “Jay” White

Instructor/Lab Supervisor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 141

Phone: 318.257.2738

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jwhite@latech.edu

Nancy Rebecca White

Lagniappe Advisor

Department: Communication Studies

Phone: 318.245.8470

Email: beckyw@latech.edu

Dr. Dustin S. Whitlock

be Interim Department Chair of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 203A

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: whitlock@latech.edu

Mrs. Stephanie Whitten

Assistant Director of Elementary

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 123

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: swhitten@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Collin Wick

Dean of the College, Professor

Departments: Chemistry, Dean - COES, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 201A

Phone: 318.257.4648

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: cwick@latech.edu

Mrs. DeEtte Wick

Lab School Teacher, Middle School ELA

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 127

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: dwick@aep.latech.edu

Charlotte Wilkerson

Director of Student Success

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101B

Phone: 318.257.4829

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: charlott@latech.edu

Mary Wilkinson

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 202

Phone: 318.257.4527

Email: maryw@latech.edu

Mrs. Challys Williams

Lab School Para Professional

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 154

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: challysw@aep.latech.edu

Clint Williams

Assistant Director for Technical Operations

Department: Financial Aid

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: clintw@latech.edu

Dana Williams

Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 14

Phone: 318.257.2814

Email: dana@latech.edu

Dr. Joseph Williams

Assistant Professor – Technical Writing

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 224

Phone: 318.257.5500

Email: jwill@latech.edu

Michael Williams

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 221

Phone: 318.257.5255

Email: michaelw@latech.edu

Rebecca Williams


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 210

Phone: 318.257.2406

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: rebecca@latech.edu

Mrs. Catherine Williams-Fortenberry

Financial Aid Counselor – Services Counselor

Department: Financial Aid

Phone: 318.257.2641

Email: cathyf@latech.edu

Ashley Brooke Wilson

Benefits Coordinator

Phone: 318.257.2732

Email: awilson@latech.edu

Brooke Wilson

Benefits Coordinator

Department: Human Resources

Office: Keeny Hall 152

Phone: 318.257.2235

Email: awilson@latech.edu

Shelby Wilson

Coordinator of Student Development

Department: Residential Life and Summer Camps

Office: Wyly Tower 212

Phone: 318.257.4917

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: shwilson@latech.edu

Dr. Markus Wobisch

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: IESB 313

Phone: 318.257.4974

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: wobisch@latech.edu

Chris Womack

Information Technology Coordinator

Department: Infrastructure and Information Technology

Phone: 318.257.4627

Email: cwomack@latech.edu

Deborah Wood

Associate Director-Facilities

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 117

Phone: 318.257.5116

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: dwood@latech.edu

Chrystal Woodard


Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Email: chrystal@latech.edu

Bob Dale Woody

Library Specialist – User Services

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Memorial Library 231

Phone: 318.257.3555

Email: woody@latech.edu

Missy Wooley

STEM Outreach Coordinator, SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137D

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: mwooley@latech.edu

Daliah Wooten

Regional Admissions Recruiter – Dallas/Fort Worth

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Phone: 318.474.3233

Email: dwooten@latech.edu

Dr. John Worsencroft

Associate Professor of History, Director of the School of History and Social Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 137

Phone: 318.257.3883

Email: johnw@latech.edu

Ms Kathy Wyatt

Enterprise Campus Director, Enterprise Center Director, Technology Business Development Center Director

Departments: Enterprise Campus, Innovation Enterprise, Technology Business Development Center

Office: Tech Pointe 132

Phone: 318.257.3537

Email: kwyatt@cloud.latech.edu

Rick L Wyatt

Director Telecommunications & Technical Services

Departments: Infrastructure and Information Technology, Technical Services and Telecommunications

Office: GTM 70

Phone: 318.257.3525

Email: rwyatt@latech.edu

Jinyoung Wynn Ph.D.

Charles L. Farrar Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 311

Phone: 318.257.3984

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jwynn@latech.edu

Mrs. Haley Wynne

Lab School Teacher, 2nd

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips 159

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: hwynne@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Yang Xiao

Assistant Professor

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 217

Phone: 318.257.5109

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: yxiao@latech.edu

Dong Xie Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 117C

Phone: 318.257.2271

Email: dxie@latech.edu

Junhai Xu PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 236

Phone: 318.257.5466

Email: jxu@latech.edu

Breno Yamada Riquieri

Mainframe & Network Operator

Department: Computing Center

Phone: 318.257.2264

Email: breno@latech.edu

Dr. Shaoyang Yang

Assistant Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 212

Phone: 318.257.2467

Email: syang@latech.edu

Dr. Amy Yates

Interim Director, Professor, Sue Huckaby Endowed Professorship

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 209A

Phone: 318.257.4412

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: yates@latech.edu

TSgt Iliyaas M. Zia Al-Haaq Yazid

NCOIC of Personnel

Department: AFROTC

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: iyazid@latech.edu

Andrew Yepson


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 209

Email: ayepson@latech.edu

Matthew Young

Senior Lecturer

Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 229

Phone: 318.257.2095

Email: myoung@latech.edu

Tony Young Ph.D., M.P.

Department: Counseling Services

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: counseling@latech.edu

Dr. Lindsay Zack

Engineering and Science Librarian

Department: Library

Office: Prescott Library 261

Phone: 318.257.2269

Email: lzack@latech.edu

Weibo Zhang


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 147

Phone: 318.257.2520

Email: weibozhang@latech.edu

Dr. Sandra Zivanovic


Departments: Electrical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BMEB 118

Phone: 318.257.5145

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: sz@latech.edu