Please expand the sections below as necessary to find the information that you need to complete the advising and registration process.

How do I know who my advisor is?

Step 1. Go to B.O.S.S.

Step 2. Select “Student B.O.S.S. Login.” This will put you on a “Student Login” page.

Step 3. Insert your campus-wide ID number (CWID) into the “Student ID” field. Insert the eight digits only, no dashes.

Step 4. Insert your B.O.S.S. personal identification (PIN) number into the PIN field. Your pin is six digits.

Step 5. Click the “Login” button. If all the information is filled out correctly, this action will lead you to your student page.

Step 6. In the blue bar at the top of the screen, choose “Student Records”, and then “Advisor”. The name and office number of your advisor should be available here.

If you have any questions or if you think that your advisor is listed incorrectly in B.O.S.S., contact Michael Gilmore at or 318.257.2382 or Woodard Hall, Room 106.

Now that I know who my advisor is, how do I sign up for an advising appointment?

Different advisors use different sign-up and advising procedures. Below is a list of the procedures that each advisor uses; please find your advisor and follow the instructions provided.

Advisor Sign up instructions
Mitzi Apter-Desselles Click here for instructions.
Tiffany Bates Email Dr. Bates at for a copy of the advising schedule. Sign up for an available date/time. Allow at least one day before the day of your appointment.
Walter Buboltz Buboltz will be sending out via email a link to an advising calendar for students to sign up for advising. Additionally, he can be called at 318.257.4039 or emailed at with questions.
Ida Chauvin All advisees will receive an email with my advising times so that we can meet via Zoom. If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email (
Shelby Curtis Sign up using the appointment link found here. Please sign up no later than 5 p.m. at least one day before the day of your appointment. Advisees that sign up the day of may be instructed to reschedule. Please come prepared with a list of classes you are interested in taking, else you may be instructed to reschedule. My office is Woodard Hall room 116A. I can be reached for questions at 318.257.3515 or via email at
Frank Igou Use the posted paper form on my office door to select an advising appointment. Please sign up no later than 5 p.m. at least one day before the day of your appointment. My office is Woodard Hall room 116B. I can be reached for questions at 318.257.5455 or via email at
Jane Jacob Click here for instructions.
Mary Livingston Click here for instructions.
Kacie Mennie Sign up using the appointment link found here. Please sign up no later than 5 p.m. at least one day before the day of your appointment. Advisees that sign up the day of may be instructed to reschedule. Please come prepared with a list of classes you are interested in taking, else you may be instructed to reschedule. My office is Woodard Hall room 114B. I can be reached for questions at 318.257.4131 or via email at
Tilman Sheets Click here for instructions.
Steven Toaddy Click here for instructions.
Brandon Waits Click here for instructions.
Jeffrey Walczyk Dr. Walczyk will be advising virtually for the upcoming Quarter. If you email him at, Dr. Walczyk will get back to you promptly with further instructions regarding scheduling an advising appointment.
Dong Xie Click here for instructions.


Generally, what should I do to prepare for my advising appointment?
  1. Figure out the category in which you’ll be registering for next term. See this page to determine when your registration window will open. If you are an athlete, veteran, honors-program student, or graduate student, you should have all of the information that you need. If you don’t fall into one or more of these categories, log on to B.O.S.S. using the “Student B.O.S.S. Login” link. In the blue bar at the top of the screen, choose “Student Records”, and then “Unofficial Transcript”. Look at the number of Earned Hours on that transcript. Add to that number the number of hours in which you are currently enrolled. This number – Earned Hours plus current hours enrolled – indicates the category in which you’ll be registering.
  2. Obtain at least one advising form (from, e.g., the Psychology main office). You may use this electronic, fillable version of the form as well.
  3. Examining your plan of study (in many cases also available from the Psychology main office) and/or the Psychology Curriculum and also examining the list of available courses (here, paying special attention to whether courses are full just before your advising appointment), complete a plan of courses to take for the next term and fill out the advising form with those courses and any backups that you identify.
  4. Bring the completed advising form (with course numbers, sections, call numbers, dates, and times) and a pen to your advising appointment! If your advising appointment is online, please email the advising form to your advisor prior to your meeting and have it available during the meeting.
  5. Think about what career/plan-of-study/life questions you have for your advisor and bring those with you also!
  6. Remember to remind your advisor to release your advising hold at the end of your advising meeting. If you forget this, they may also forget – and then you won’t be able to register when your advising window opens!
Once I’m done advising, how do I register for classes?

Step 1. Go to B.O.S.S.

Step 2. Select “Student B.O.S.S. Login.” This will put you on a “Student Login” page.

Step 3. Insert your campus-wide ID number (CWID) into the “Student ID” field. Insert the eight digits only, no dashes.

Step 4. Insert your B.O.S.S. personal identification (PIN) number into the PIN field. Your pin is six digits.

Step 5. Click the “Login” button. If all the information is filled out correctly, this action will lead you to your student page.

Step 6. In the blue bar at the top of the screen, choose “Registration” and “Drop or Add Classes”

Step 7. In the “Add Class” section of the page, enter the call numbers for the classes that you want to take (from your advising form), one five-digit call number per box, and then click the “Submit” button to add them to your schedule (follow the instructions as written on that page).

Step 8. In the blue bar at the top of the screen, choose “Student Records” and select “Account Summary/Payments” to pay for your classes/confirm your schedule.

Step 9. Select “Pay by Credit Card,” “Pay by eCheck,” or “Confirm Schedule” and follow instructions. When you have succeeded at this, you should see a message on the same page reading “Account Status: SCHEDULE CONFIRMED”.

How do I add or drop courses if I can't do so using BOSS?
  1. Watch this tutorial video.
  2. Go to and complete an electronic Add/Drop Request form.